Chapter 28: Weird things going on

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We got back to the house when all the guests had left. We were all really exhausted but happy too. I was ready to take a bath when Thalia approached me "Miss, can I ask you something?" She told me "Of course, what is it?" "Is there a spare room in the house?" "Yes, next to my bedroom." "Oh, that's great!" she exclaimed and smiled. "But why do you need it?" I asked her but she didn't answer, just looked at me confused and then walked away.

After the bath, I lay down on my bed to write my story but I couldn't consetrate as I could hear Thalia, old Billy and Alan talking with each other. "No, we can't put it there, it's too big!" I heard Thalia saying. I decided to get out and go see what they were doing.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked them. They turned around worried. Alan and Thalia's hands were covered with paint. "Oh, nothing miss, we..." Old Billy tried to explain. "We are painting the room because...because Alan and I want to move our bedroom here." Thalia told me. "Oh, ok but why? Don't you like your previous one?" I asked her. "No, it's just's bigger." Alan said "No it's not" I corrected him. As soon as I said that, Thalia came towards me and grabbed my hand. "Miss, why don't you go downstairs? I made some tea for you. We'll join you in a while to have dinner" "Sure but..." I tried to say but Thalia had already pushed me out of the room and locked the door.

I went to the kitchen, wondering what they could be doing and the didn't want me to know. I sat down to drink my tea. It was quite cold but it really made me feel better after such a tiring day. Minuites passed and Thalia, Alan and old Billy still hadn't come.

I went upstairs, trying to open the door but it was locked. I knocked it twice. I heard someone putting the key inside the key hole and Thalia came outside, closing the door behind her. "What is it miss?" she asked me "Why didn't you come down for dinner?" "Um...." she said and turned around, opening the door.I saw that they had painted the walls with a light, almost yellow, colour. "Alan, Old Billy, let's go have dinner." Both of them came outside and while we were going downstairs, Thalia locked the door again.

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