Chapter 7: Priorities

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I couldn't stay in bed anymore so I decided to go downstairs. "Miss Cushing? Are you awake? It's still 6." Thalia told me when she saw me "I couldn't sleep all night Thalia" "Are you feeling ok? Should I call Sir Allan?" she asked me "No, it's ok. I just had a bad dream." "I'll make you some tea." she said and went to the kitchen. Hours passed quickly and I had to go to Allan. I took my coat and left the house.

"As I can see, everything is fine." Allan said after he had examined me. "The baby is fine." "Great..." "What's wrong Edith? You look a little pale." "I have to back to England." "What? Are...are you crazy? You can't go back there!" "I know but I have to. Every night I am dreaming of Allerdale Hall and Thomas...I just can't live without him. I have to go back." "I can't let you do that. What about the baby? I don't think you can travel long distances." "Allan, I know you worry about me but I have to. You can't change my mind." "Ok...but I'll have to come with you. You will need a doctor." "Fine. We leave in a month." I said "Only in a month?" "Yes. I advise you to start packing." I said and left.

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