Mulai dari awal

"Psychology." Shelly shuts the locker door and we start walking out of the locker room. "I hope you don't meet that stupid blondie."

"I hope the same." I make a face full of disgust at that blonde-head's name. "His face is just good enough to spoil the whole day. Achoo!"

"Bless you. Take care of yourself. Have warm food. You should not get a migraine attack. You know you're not able to move for at-least 3 days in the attack. Stay fit." Shelly enters her class and waves me a bye. "Take care."

"Hey Al! Good morning." Suzanne comes running towards me holding her material for art too. "Show me your time table."

"Good morning." I hand my time table to Suzanne, still struggling with my cold, as she carefully looks at it for common lectures. "So. How's Jason? Met him this morning?"

"Not yet. Will see him in recess." Suzanne is still seeing my time table. "5 out of 7. That's good actually."

"Yeah." I clap her hand for high five, as we walk towards our art class. "What exactly are we going to do in the art lecture?"

"No idea. It is our first day of the senior year too. Remember?" Oh right! I totally forgot about that in my excitement. "It'll be something exciting though. Mrs. Simpson is a real good art teacher and she is really sweet."

"Sounds like a great teacher to me." I smile a little at the thought of how Mrs. Simpson would look like. A young lady with a good height, and thin body with perfect curves. "I hope she likes me. Achoo!" 

"Bless you." Shelly hands my time table back to me and ties her brown hair into a pony tail so that she does not have problem while painting. "Here. Have some Strepsils. Just keep it in your mouth like a toffee and enjoy the berry flavor. It'll help you get rid of this bad throat and cold."

"Now that's what I actually needed." I take the toffee and put it in the mouth, throwing the wrapper in the bin outside our art class. "Thanks."


blue sky, cool wind playing with her hair, and the girl is just sitting at the end of the cliff peacefully with cherry trees blossoming all around.

"Impressive, Ms. Sidren." Mrs. Simpson comes over to me to see my canvas. "Now that's what I call imagination. Well done. Plus, you completed it on time. We have five minutes until the lecture is over. You can wind up." Mrs. Simpson was just that lady I thought her to be. "You guys should have a look at this. Just put some strokes of white over the cherry blossoms for finishing. Not many. only 2-3 would be perfect."

"Yes mam. Thank you." I look over at Suzanne as she gives me a thumbs up and grin. "Achoo!"

"Bless you." A boy says as I turn around to see who it is. "Hi. I'm Jeremy. Jeremy Colin."

"Hi." He compliments me on my painting and I thank him for that. " Ally Sidren. Nice to meet you." I wipe my running nose with my handkerchief.

"First day in school?" Jeremy asks me. He has got deep blue eyes and coffee brown hair. "Mine too."

"Oh. That's nice. Then we could be friends."

"I'd love to." Jeremy puts forward his hand for a hand shake. I put mine too as we shake our hands for 2 seconds. Even Suzanne is now friends with Jeremy. He is a nice guy and has already declared me as his younger sister. He moves here from California due to family issues. Although, he is in a long distance relationship with his childhood-friend-turned-love. "So Jason is your boyfriend. Nice." We are right now heading towards the locker room to grab the books for our second lecture. Luckily, Jeremy, Jason and I have Physics now. Poor Suzanne is all alone in her Chemistry class.

the BAD BOY and ALLYTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang