Chapter 22 : Fights

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Grace's POV :

Walking into school like felt like a zombie. Sasha was flirting with Kyle and Caleb but they looked bored. And when they saw me both of them came towards me.
"Hey Grace !" They said in unison.
"Hey !"
"You guys have no taste !" Sasha flipped her hair.
"That's hell why they walked away from you" Ariana said out of no where.
"Argh !" And Sasha takes off.
"Don't let her trash get to you" Ariana smiled and walked off.

"That ?" Kyle pointed towards Shana and asked.
"Oh yeah they are cool with me especially after everything that happened with Lana they had a fight" I said.
"That's new" Caleb nodded.
"Most definitely"

After Separating I went to English but we had a free period so I went to the library instead.
"Hey Grace over here" Shana called.
"Here are some books I picked out to get some points for our assignment, just write down the points you think are important" she handed over the books.
"Oh cool I'll be done in no time" I said with a small smile.

"Hey babe" Austin sat next to Shana and pecked her lips.
"What are you doing here?" She whisper/yelled.
"I bunked history" he said with a smirk.
"Hey Grace" he cheered.
"Oh there is a party tonight at my place so I would like you to come with maybe all your friends" he said.
"Shush" the librarian said it out loud and hushed us.

"Coming ?" He asked again from Shana.
"No I have a test tomorrow!" She was loud.
"Shush !!" The librarian shushed us again.
"Oh right don't worry after the principal's announcement you will be at my party hands down" he smiled and walked off.

"What was that ?" Shana asked me.
And then went an announcement

"All the seniors please report to the gymnasium immediately for an important announcement"

"Now we will find out what he was talking about" I said and we walked out to the gym.

"Okay students this is gonna be one blockbuster announcement coming from me to you.... You will be given one weeks holiday for Halloween" all the student just went wild. So many chatters and whispers we're going around the gym. This was what Austin was talking about.

"You two in now ?" Austin appeared out of no where and asked.
"Yes !" We said in unison laughing.

So all of us agreed to go to the party since holidays were given and we were allowed to go home early today.
Walking to my car I saw Chase standing next to his car smoking a cigarette.
"Hey Chase" I waved but he made no move.
"What's up ? Everything okay?" I asked but he still made no eye contact with me.
""Yeah just let me be" he said it silently.
"Chase is this about your mom? Did she say---"
"Can't you just shut the fuck up and leave bitch !!!" He shouted and pushed me away and walked off.
"Jerk" I shouted back and sped off.


"Enjoying babe?" Demi asked swaying. This girl can't even stand straight.
"Haha yes yes !" I said. (Please do note the sarcasm)
"C'mon cheer up ! Let loose and have fun !!" She cheered winking at this random guy.
"Want a drink Grace ?" Hayley asked me.
"Yes !!"

"2 Cokes please?" I asked the bartender.
"Here ya go!" He said smiling wide.
"Isn't he cute ?" Hayley asked.
"You have a guy Hay" I said laughing.
"Technically I'm still single Grape" she smirked. Told you that she has a wild side.
"Wild woman" I said poking her side.

"Grace !!! Heyyy" a familiar voice spoke.
"Zach you ?" I asked.
"Yep Austin's my cousin so yeah" he smiled shyly.
"Hey I'm Hayley" She scoffed and introduced herself.
"I know you !" He said shaking her hand.
"Hmm Grace may I have a dance ?" He asked scratching the back of his head.

"Say yes" Hayley whispered.
"Yeah sure Zach why not" I smiled and I went over to the dance floor.
I saw Taylor and Demi slow dancing and they look so cute together.

"What are you smiling at Grace ?" Zach asked making me snap out of my thoughts.
"Oh nothing just how cute they look" I pointed towards the couple and he nodded.
"Zach I need to use the restroom"
"Sure I'll be down"

I went all over searching for a bathroom but hell I came up with none. Such big house with no washroom ? Austin's got issues. I kept opening different doors and all of them had people having sex or making out which was sad. Finally it said bathroom at the end of corridor.

"Ha finally --" shit
"Sorry" I quickly closed the door and ran down. Alright so I saw Chase and Sasha just grinding each other. Eww wait ? Didn't they break up ? Screw it why do I care.

I searched for the girls but they were no where to be seen. They were my ride guess I have to walk home.
The whether was chilly and I wasn't wearing a coat or anything. My teeth kept clattering to the cold breeze which kept blowing.

"Here" a coat came around my shoulders and it was Chase.
"Why are you here ?" I asked. Cold shoulders are better.
"Girls shouldn't walk home this late in the night.
"Why do you care anyways ?"
"I do have a heart" he sighed
"I'm sorry" he apologized.

"Don't even say it. I only tried to help you but if you keep pushing people who actually care for you away you'll end up with sluts like Sasha. Here thank you!" I gave him the coat and went inside the house.

"Your late !" My mom said causing me to jump back.
"I know"
"Hey get back down in here who do you think you are to walk away when I'm not done talking to you ?" She growled.
"It's 1 in the damn night Grace ! Where are your standards! No girl should stay late in the night" she screamed.

"Just shut up mom ! Who do you think you're to talk about standards ? Huh ? Am I the dating a guy who's half my age and who keeps sneaking around lying to her own fucking family all the time ? Am I the one who doesn't have standards now ?" I screamed back angrily.
"Before you try to point fingers at people make sure your hands are clean !" I yelled and went to my room.

Life is so damn hard ! I just don't understand anything anymore.

Update 🙆🏻 Enjoy beautiful people 💕 Tell me what you feel about the chapter take care🙌🏻 love ya'll ✌🏻️ ily
-Ona xoxoxo 💙

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