Chapter 16 : Guest Appearances

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Grace's POV :

Walking into school I felt like a zombie, I was so sleepy I could feel my eyelids heavy.
"What's up ?" Demi jumped on me casing me to fall flat on my face. Lucky me the classes have already started and I have P.E first.
"Whoa Ms.Clumsy ! Get up !" Demi laughed hard and picked me up.
"Ass !" I stood up and dusted off my shirt.
"I'm so bored !" Demi whined.
"And I'm sleepy !" I slapped my forehead and went to the gym. The coach is pretty cool and doesn't really care.
I sat down on the bench with Demi.

"How was the wedding?" Demi was full of excitement today.
"It was okay !" I closed my eyes for a second but Demi just wouldn't shut up.
"Details !!!" She kept shouting in my ear.
"Later !!! "
"Humph !" She narrowed her eyes at me but I ignored her.
"I'm gonna go get my water bottle , be right back " opening my Locker a piece of paper fell.

Meet me at the love tree ! - Chase 
what for ? Nvm. Well the love tree is where all the couples go carve their names and propose or something like that. Ridiculous I know !

I sent a text to Demi and spilt the contents on her and she found it cute  I don't know how. Walking towards the tree I saw a couple making out, the more I got closer I saw that it was Chase and Sasha ? Wtf she is doing here ? I thought she left to England. My best friend since K.G came back and never told me and she's fucking kissing Chase here ! I thought she was lesbian no offense! She lied to me . And is this what Chase wanted me to see , him kissing my former best friend.
I ran as fast as I could to the gym.

Sasha Jones my best friend till now. Both of us were so close that I was ready to take a bullet for her ! We both went to the same school, we were neighbors, our parents were college friends. After her parents took a divorce when she was 13 she left to England with her mom. It was hard for me. She was my only friend at that time. But I learnt to move on. We kept in touch for about one year but she eventually gave up and never answered my calls. And now I see her fucking kissing Chase ! Just Great! Just damn great !

I don't know why I am so mad , why do I even feel jealous? Chase is no one to me and now Sasha isn't as well. I didn't want cry because it's no use of crying over bitches. I pulled myself together and kept quiet. I saw Demi flirting with Taylor so I didn't disturb them. Sitting in the corner of the gym I saw Sasha and Chase coming into the gym hand in hand. I stood up to leave but I met Demi's eyes and she mouthed me saying not leave. She came over to me. She's knows enough to about Sasha and I'm sure she's just as shocked as I am.

"You okay Grace ?" Demi threw her arm around my shoulder.
"Yeah !"
"I know your not !" She hugged me tightly.

"Guys ! This is Sasha ! My New girlfriend!" Chase shouted so everyone can hear. His eyes searched for me , when he met mine he smirked.
"Hey ! I know you all ! As I was a student here before !" She waved and spoke in a heavy British accent. Lana stormed out of the gym. Everyone just laughed.

Every one was talking about the golden couple and didn't stop. I walked out. Pang of hurt hit me like a wrecking ball. Why me ?
Changing back in to the normal clothes I went over to Art.

Taking a seat next to the window I started sketching a person. getting lost in my thoughts I let my hand take over. The bell rang and people started filling in. Lana was no where to be seen. Poor girl ! She just lost everything!

"Woman what happened? Demi is worried sick about you !" Hayley asked taking a seat next to me.
"Sasha is back  and she's dating Chase !" Hayley gasped and I hushed her.
"What the actual hell ?" She was shouted and I hushed her again.
"Don't worry I had the same reaction!" I let out a sarcastic.
"But I thought she was a lesbian?" Hayley whispered.
"That's what We all thought , guess she wanted to be straight again!" I continued with my drawing.
"Whatever Grace ! She's a ass , did she even talk to you ?"
"Nope I don't think she even saw me !" I exclaimed.

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