Chapter 34: Put The Cupcake Down, And Step Away From The Whole Milk

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My stomach grumbled for the millionth time, and I ignored it for the millionth time.


Well I got this text message from Fang Face:

It’s 6:00 PM. Genevieve want you to help her make cupcakes with her, and I want my cupcakes so get your ass out of bed you lazy shit. I also need you to taste better so please, eat as much as you want Chub Chub. :)

I’m not chubby, and I hate that smile face! So I texted him back angrily:

Nobody likes you.

And he quickly responded:

I'll put that on your grave stone. "She didn't like me."

So here I am, on my bed avoiding him downstairs. I know he’s there, I can…tell. I’m asking him to get rid of the bond; I’m done with this jerk. I’ll march up to him, and say ‘Hey, drive me to a hotel and give me 300,000 bucks for kidnapping me, and maybe I won’t contact the police. ’Yeah, that sounds good.

I rolled over on my side, buying another ring tone on my phone. I can’t wait to see his reaction to that. Whenever some kind of salesman calls this phone I always buy their product on his account. He makes it too easy I mean, he bought the phone on his account. So basically I have 100 three dollar ring tones, which I bought in the last thirty minutes.

Now the score will be at least three to ten.

I pulled myself off the bed, and to change my outfit to something more comfortable. I settled for white sweatpants, white underwear, a white tank top, and white fuzzy socks. Hey, it’s not like I live in a house with Vampires that drink blood constantly and it might get on my shirt.

That would be freaky.

I turned my bedroom light off, and padded down the dimly lit hallway. I heard familiar screams, and moans from opposite hallways, and random bits of conversations from different rooms. By now nothing bothers me in this dark, creepy house. I’m pretty use to it. The other day I was walking down this hallway, and some random girl came out screaming. It reminded me of myself when I met Valentine in the Coffee House, and the irony is the guy that pulled her back into the room kind of looked like him. These days, I only scream at him every hour. Oh, how we have grown. I counted the candles on the wall to the staircase, as I usually do. By the way there are exactly eight.

I finally reached the staircase and started descending it on the right side, keeping my right hand on the railing, like the princesses do on TV.

Wow, I haven’t watched TV in forever...

Do they even have a TV here?

I stepped off the staircase, and turned right, walking down the hallway. Kitchen here I come, to get that food that makes me go yum! Yeah I just made that up.

“How wonderful, Sleeping Beauty has finally awakened,” I heard Alfred’s controlled voice say from behind me. I stopped in my tracks, and whirled around, to see Alfred with a smile on his face, and a tray in his hand.

“How do you know my name?” I blurted.

He cleared his throat uncomfortably, “Well, Master Valentine told me of course,” he stated simply.

“B-but… he wants everyone to think my name is Nata—“

“lie,” Alfred interrupted, “Did you even realize the name even has ‘lie’ in it Miss Heart?”

My mouth popped open, and I searched for words. “Wow, I didn’t even think of that. But isn’t there a girl whose name is Natalie Chang, that was supposed to be here or something?”

Bleeding Royalty Book One & Two (First Draft, unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now