Band on the Run

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Beatle Imagine :||

"Quick! In the alley!" Paul shouted, pointing to a narrow alleyway as his three band mates ducked into it. The roaring of screams and feet got closer, and Paul jumped into the alley.

The four lads hid behind trash cans, or if you're Ringo, inside the trash can.

Then, out of nowhere, a small body fell into the alley, tipping over the trash can Ringo was in. With a huge crash, Ringo fell out.

You rubbed your head gently. "Dumb Beatle fangirls." you grumbled.

"What about our fans?"

You whirled around, letting your fist fly. Which sent Ringo falling back holding his nose. "I told you not to talk to them. Instant Karma, brother." John said.

"We'll look at us, we're the band on the run now." Paul added.

"My sweet lord." George sighed.

"Look at me! I'm covered in trash!" Ringo grumbled, pulling fish bone from his messy mop top. You giggled.

"This is too funny." you laughed.

John and Paul looked at each other with confused looks. George looked at Ringo and laughed too. "You stink so bad."

"Shut up." Ringo said, punching George in the arm.

"Hey, what's your name Miss? Sorry if Ringo's trash got you hurt." John says, looking directly at you. You smile, and let out a small giggle.

"I'm Y/N. And no, Ringo didn't hurt me. I'm fine."

"Ha! I didn't hurt her!"

John smiled at you. Something about you sparkled. You glittered like a diamond, you were beautiful.

"Well, I better get going." you say pretty embarrassed. You got up to leave, to walk away from this scene.

"Hey, can I have your number doll face?" John asked.

You smiled, wrote down your number and handed it to him.

It read:
235-150-2433 xoxo Doll Face.

The End.
Okay, I finally wrote something light hearted and funny. No feels this time around!
Dedicated to my Mimi and Papa since today is their 47th wedding anniversary. Lucky them got to live when The Beatles were around.
Please Vote and Comment! I loves you all! ✌🏻️❤️😘

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