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Ringo Imagine :||

Ringo wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on top of your head, rocking you both gently back and forth in a steady sort of rhythm.

You let a few more small tears fall.

Ringo let his hands touch your stomach, where your baby should be.

But there was no baby.

You couldn't conceive. And that filled you with so much guilt and despair. You knew how much Ringo wanted this child, but you just couldn't have it.

"I'm so sorry Richie." you let out a few sobs. Ringo lightly kissed the top of your head, stroking your hair with his hand.

"It's not your fault, darling. Don't be sorry." he whispers into your ear.

"I just want to make you happy. And the thought of having a baby made you happy. But I can't have a baby. You want a child I can't give you." you sobbed.

"Y/N, my love. You give me happiness. You love me, you make me happy. Your the sunshine to my cloudy days. Darling, we can adopt a child. It's not your fault you can't conceive. I won't stop loving you for that." Ringo says.

You wiped a few tears away, and Ringo turned you around to face him. He smiled through teary eyes.

She's the most beautiful thing on this planet, he thought to himself, how can I make her see it all?

He kissed you lightly, "You're my beautiful flower girl."

The End.
Dedicated to SmilingDiana , thank you for everything. Please Vote and Comment. I loves you all! ❤️

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