Lost Puppy

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Paul Imagine :||

Paul cuddled the squirmy puppy in his arms, giggling as she licked his face.

You and your boyfriend, Paul McCartney, had just adopted little Sheepdog puppy, Martha. She was a tiny puppy.

Her tail was always wagging, and you knew from the start she was going to be Paul's dog.

"Who's a good girl? Who's a good girl? Who's a go- MARTHA!"

You watched in horror as the puppy leapt from Paul's arms and dashed away. Paul, who was just standing next to you 0.2 seconds ago, was now hurrying in the direction Martha ran off.

"Y/N! MARTHA IS MISSING!" Paul screamed, and you rushed over to him.

"Pauly, she couldn't have gotten that far. She is around here somewhere." you said in a calm voice.

Or what you wanted to be a calm voice. You were so worried. You felt like bursting into tears!

'No, I must keep it together for Paul.' you thought.

You two searched for two hours, with no luck of finding Martha.

Paul sat on a bench, and began sobbing. "Y/N... She's gone... I'm a horrible puppy father."

Just then, "Arf! Arf!"

Paul looked under the bench, and found Martha. He jumped up, and grabbed the little pup.

"Martha! I was worried sick!" Paul cried.

Turns out, Martha was asleep under there the whole time.

The End.
Requested by @saricalifornia ! I hope you like it! Please, vote and comment! I loves you all! ❤️

Imagine... The Beatles (Book Two)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora