Joining the Host Club

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Ryota POV
I heard that bitch Haruhi yell, "Because their parents were murdered!"

I instantly jabbed the spot on my sweet Sora's back neck to hit a special nerve that sent him to sleep. I picked him up bridal style and ran over to where the bitch and the damn host club was. I scowled. "Bitch, what did you tell them?"

I saw the fear in Haruhi's eyes as she quietly said, "That your parents were k-killed..."

I wanted to raise my hand and slap her like the dumb slutty bitch she was! But no, I couldn't. Not with everyone here watching....They could tell my little brother and everything would be ruined. But then, the perfect idea struck me!

I slunk my arm around Haruhi's shoulders and said, "Say,Haru? How about I join your little 'Host Club'?"

Haruhi gulped and turned to the other dork hosts. "U-Um...."

The tall blondie came over and looked me up and down. "In..." I could tell he wasn't so thrilled about this, but I'm guessing the bitch told him about me so that was fine.

I smirked. Perfect. "So, what're your types?" I've seen some other host clubs around my old schools too, so I know all about "types" and stuff.

Blondie said, "I'm Tamaki Suoh, the princely type. Kyoya Ootory is the cool type, Mitsukuni Haninozuka is the boy Lolita, Takashi Mornozuka is the strong silent type, and Hikaru and Kaoru are the mischievous type that also do brotherly love. Oh, and we also have Haruhi the natural and your brother, the musical type."

I nodded."Brotherly love, eh?" That gave me an idea. "I'll do that with my sweet little Sora~"
As if one cue, Sora's eyes opened and he sat up, rubbing his eyes adorably. "Ryo-nii...?"

I smiled brightly. "Sora! Guess what? Big Brother Ryo-nii is joining the host club!"

His eyes widened. "Really?! That's great!"

I nodded. "Me and you are gonna be kinda like Hika and Kao!"

Haruhi flinched, I saw.  Whenever I give people nicknames (minus my Sora), it means I hate and despise them.

"B-Brotherly love...?!" He said shocked.
I smiled and kissed his nose. "Yep. It'll be you and me together!"

The host club members looked horrified towards me, but hid it well. I could tell because I know the fear of enemies. Sora then said, "Oh! Tomorrow we're going to the beach!You should come tomorrow, then!"

I nodded. "Yes, I surely will." I smirked. Everything was going perfectly. For now....Sora will be mine.

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