Chapter 2

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*old readers* I have changed Mr. Day into a science teacher instead of a math teacher because I had more ideas for science than math. Oh and he'll still be a art teacher. That hasn't changed.

I understood the whole can't-keep-your-eyes-off-him thing, but the whole giggling after he called on you, was unnecessary and flat out annoying.

"I officially hate this class," Emily groaned from beside me. "And to think I thought Mr. Day would make it interesting," she sighed, spinning her pencil around on her desk.

She was right. Having Mr. Day as a teacher was raising my hopes up for an interesting class, but sadly having him as a teacher just made me hate this class. No, scratch that. His fangirls made me hate this class.

"I agree," I said to Emily, but only gaining the interest of Mr. Day, and now the whole class. I felt my cheeks grow warm. Never did like the spotlight on me. Hints why I made sure to take the seat all the way in the back.

"You agree on what, Harley?" Mr. Day asked, raising an eyebrow. I glanced over at Emily who gave me a sorry-I-can't-help-you-look. "Harley?" I looked back at him, only to regret it. His piercing blue eyes stared into my hazel ones. I swallowed hard as he slowly made his way over to my desk. "Well, are you going to share with us on what you agree on?" Why is he doing this? God, I wish the floor would just come alive and swallow me whole right now.

As he approached my desk I could now smell the scent of the cologne he is wearing, and it smells incredible. How can someone smell this amazing?

Was it bad that I wanted to ask him what his cologne was called? I mean not that I'm going to use it, but you never know, I may need to buy that for my future boyfriend.

"She agrees that you are totally attractive," some girl at the front of the class said, causing some people to laugh.

"Is that so?" Mr. Day questioned with a smirk that made my heart beat increase and my cheeks to feel as if they're on fire.

"I didn't agree on that. I mean- he is attractive," I began. "But he's not my type." Liar.

A few girls gasped and others whispered.

"It's alright. Everybody has their own type," Mr. Day said, turning around and walking back to the front of the classroom.

"Who's your type Mr. Day?" Sabrina, also known as the 'evil witch', asked.

"How about no more personal questions and more science questions," he said, causing many students to groan.

Thankfully the time flew by and class was now dismissed. I seriously don't think I could take another minute in this class with Sabrina and the other giggling bunch of girls.

I threw everything into my backpack and walked side by side with Emily towards the classroom door.

"Harley?" Mr. Day called out before I could reach the door with Emily.

"I'll meet you outside," Emily said, leaving me in the classroom alone with Mr. Day.

I walked over to his desk and stood in front of him, looking at the top of his head until he dropped what he was doing and glanced up at me. "Yes, Mr. Day?" I asked, trying my best to hide how nervous I was.

"You're my type," he simply spat out.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Wait what?"

"Go home and think about it. It's not that hard to figure out." He must have thought me being confused was amusing because he couldn't hide the smirk playing against his pink, plumped lips. "See you tomorrow, Harley."

I slowly headed for the door as I tried to think of what he meant by that? Once I left the classroom, I suddenly figured out what he meant.

My mouth fell open in shock and I quickly covered my mouth with one of my hands.

Oh my god. I'm his type.

Hey I finally updated this story! It only took me like a year. Not too bad. Total sarcasm btw.

Sorry for taking so long. Hopefully you won't have to wait that long ever again for this story.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2015 ⏰

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