Chapter 13

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Sabrina's POV

I wake the next morning and I quickly get dressed heading out of the cabin. It's 7:30 and the only person up and out of there cabin is Selena.

"Hey." I greet her sitting down across from her. "Hey Sabrina, what's up?" She asks playing with a strand of her hair. "You know the usual." Is all I could manage to say. "Why are you up so early? You aren't a morning person."

She's right I am not a morning person so what do I tell her. Oh yeah Selena I'm getting blackmailed by my ex and I needed some fresh air and a quiet surrounding to think. Yeah I think not.

"You know, thought I could get an early start on the day and stuff." I play with my fingers hoping she wouldn't see through the lie. Luckily though she doesn't notice or if she did she didn't say anything.

The others slowly start to tickle out of ther cabins and 8:30 most of us are up and the guys are starting to cook breakfast.

Once we eat breakfast we decide to explore the beach. We change into normal clothes and we start walking along the beach. We come across an awesome tree house and I'm really excited. I love tree houses!

"Hello, is anybody up there?" Lizzy calls. No answer. "Let's go check it out."I suggest and the others hesitate before following me up the rope ladder into the massive tree house. We look around and it's huge. There's different rooms, and a balcony. It's like a house in the air.

After we're done looking around we walk for a bit longer before sunset starts. As we walk back towards the cabins along the waters edge I see something moving in the trees. I look over to see Kyle staring at me. He taps his wrist and smiles manically at me before disappearing into the trees.

Oh no, I totally forgot about him.

We decided to start a fire and everybody sits around it. I'm sitting on Josh's lap trying to ignore the knot in my stomach.

It's nearing 9:00 and I'm shaking with cold. "Baby, your cold." Josh says in my ear holding me closer. "We should go get you a sweater." I nod my head and we stand up, heading to my cabin. When we get close to my cabin I stop. "What's wrong honey?" Josh asks and I take a deep breath. "Wait here and stay where you can see my cabin door. If you don't see me open the door and struggling come running over." He looks at me quizzically. "What's going on Sabrina?" He asks worried. "I promise I'll explain later, in my cabin but for the time being just watch my back, okay." He nods and I slowly make my way towards my cabin.

"Glad you could finally make it." Kyle's voice echoes in my ears. I'm about to scream when he puts his hand over my mouth. I start thrashing and I hear footsteps quickly approaching behind me. I can feel myself being dragged away quickly and I try to grab onto something. My hands slip on everything I grab. I can feel my arms and legs hitting trees and there's no sign of Josh.

I'm in the clutches of Kyle with no sign of my hero.


Sorry it's a sucky chapter, thought I should update and I haven't had a lot of time. Comment, vote and fan! New fans will get a dedication and shout out. (After you've fanned me inbox me with book you want a dedication in)

During the summer I lived on the beach. LiterallyWhere stories live. Discover now