Chapter 12

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*Please read the authors note at the end of the chapter!!*

I return to the fire and Josh looks at me funny. "Wh-what?" I stutter and I look around nervously. "I thought you were going to change into long pants and a sweater." Shit, I totally forgot about that. I laugh nervously. "Oh, yeah. I'm going to go do that now.

I bolt to my cabin making sure Kyle isn't around. What the hell am I going to do about him?

Josh's POV

"Josh, what's up with Sabrina?" Sara asks and I shrug. "I'm getting worried about her. I saw her leave to her cabin then she comes back shaken and forgot about changing. Also she's never stuttered around me, never." I sigh. What's going on with her?

"Do you think something happened when she went to change?" Nate asks with a worried look on his face. "Maybe she encountered something and forgot what she went to do." Selena said playing with her fingers.

We sit in silence until Sabrina comes back.

Sabrina's POV

When I return every bodies just sitting there staring at me.

I awkwardly sit down and I feel everyone shift uncomfortably. The girls all look at each other and nod. "Girls meeting in my cabin in 2 minutes." Lizzy says and the girls all stand up. After they clear out I get up and grab a hotdog and slowly walk to Lizzy's cabin.

"What up?" I ask sitting down on the couch and taking a bite out of my hotdog.

"Sabrina, we all know something's wrong and we need you to tell us." Cam explains and the other girls nod in agreement.

Should I tell them? What would happen if I did? Would they hound me about it till I told them?

"I'm sorry girls, but I can't te-tell you." They noticed my stuttering and looked almost hurt. "Sabrina, don't feel like you have to hide anything. You know we would never judge you and we would help you through it." Sara tries to convince me but I shake my head. "It wou-would be worse f-for all of us." I look down playing with my hands. "Fine, if you aren't ready to tell us now then we'll drop it. But you're going to have to tell us eventually." Abby exclaims in frustration and I smile. "I'll tell you eventually." I stand up and exit the cabin.

Selena's POV

When Sabrina leaves the cabin I have a feeling she's being threatened, blackmailed or worse.

"What are we going to do with her?" Abby asks us worried. "I don't know. We should just give her some space and try again tomorrow. Let her sort this stuff out for herself. She'll tell us when she's ready I guess." Sara says and I nod in agreement. "There's no use in questioning her like a criminal and stressing her out even more than she is right now." I say and we stand up and we slowly make our way back to the fire.


I have a few announcements to make.

First is I want to give a shout out to 1Dlover4321. You guys should go and fan him.

Second I would like say thank you for reading my book! It means a lot to me and feel free to read any of my other books.

Third think is if you would like a dedication and a shout out in any of my books fan me! If you're already a fan of mine comment on this chapter and ill do so as well.

Finally if you want to be a character in any of my books inbox me saying which book, your name, personality and a description of yourself and I'll see what I can do.

Comment vote and fan! Thank you guys so much and sorry for the shorter chapter and long authors note.

<3 Sara

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