Chapter 6

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When I look to see who's straddling my hips I'm met with the gaze of Josh.

"Hey beautiful. What are you doing here?" He says casually and I start to feel very flustered.

"The gi-girls and I-I are liv-living in those ca-cabins for the ne-next two mon-months." I stutter out and I can feel my cheeks start to go red.

"Really. The boys and I are staying in those cabins." He points towards the other 7 cabins. I nod my head and he smiles down at me. "So, now for the real reason I came over here." He says and I motion for him to continue. "Do you want to come seedooing with me?" I'm shocked but I nod my head furiously.

He gets off me and helps me up. I quickly put my stuff in my cabin and I rush back out to Josh.

He grabs my hand and leads me over to there seedoos. I pick the lime green one and Josh gets on the blue one. We start riding towards the centre of the lake.

We slow down and Josh turns to face me. "So Sabrina would you like to come to the guys and I's campfire tonight?" He studies my face and I nod my head. "I'd love that. Can I bring the girls too?" He nods his head. "Of course you can."

We keep riding and it's about 2:00 by the time we're done. "Do you want to come to my cabin?" Josh asks me and I consider it for a minute. "Of course." Josh leads me towards his cabin and he lets me inside.

His cabin looks the same as mine but it has his stuff in it.

I plopped down on one of the couches and Josh sits beside me. "What do you want to do first?" I act like I'm thinking real hard but I know exactly what I want to do. "Lets play on the wii!" I shout and he laughs.

We make some characters and he picks a game. He hands me a steering wheel and I see we're playing Mario cart.

We play that for a while and Josh kicks my ass.

"Do I get anything for beating you?" Josh asks wrapping an arm around my waist bringing me closer to him. I smile and I tilt my head up and our lips connect in a short but sweet kiss. He pulls back and gives me a cheeky grin. "Damn, I need to win more often." I laugh and we decide to go see what the others are doing.

We walk out and we see the girls tanning, reading, stuff like that. The guys on the other hand are trying to impress the girls by throwing a football around.

"Hey guys! Wanna play volleyball?" I yell and they all look me and Josh. The girls get up and the guys toss there football to the side. I grab a volleyball from my cabin and we make our way towards the court.

The teams are, Lizzy, Cody, Cam, Ryan, Zoe, Nate and Aaron versus Abby, Zach, Selena, Jake, Sara, Josh and I.

Our team is called bitches beware. Yeah that's right because bitches better beware if us and the other teams name is crushers. Ooh, how original.

We start with the ball and Selena serves. Cody bumps it back and Abby spikes it giving us our first point. Selena serves again and Cam bumps it, Lizzy sets it over. Zach bumps it high into the air and I spike it giving us our second point. The game goes on like this or somewhat like that for about an hour. When we finally finish we win 43-7. Not a good day for the 'crushers'. They were the only ones getting crushed today.

By now the sun is slowly starting to set so we head back to our cabins to get out of our bathing suits. I enter my cabin but I feel like somebody's behind me. I shake off the feeling and head towards my bedroom. I decided to just throw some clothes overtop of my bikini and its a good thing too because the next thing I know I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist and spin me around.

I come face to face with a cheeky looking expression. "Need any help?" He asks me in a low voice and a shudder runs down my spine. I shake my head and I feel his arms pull me closer.

"You'll come around. I know you will." With that he exited my cabin.


Hey guys? How was the chapter? I'd love to hear what you guys think of the book and all it's chapters. I wrote this on my iPod so I'm extremely sorry if its not very long. I'll try to make it longer but it's kinda hard. Please, please, please comment, vote and fan. Love you all and don't forget that. :)

P. S

I send all my wishes and prayers out to the people on Boston. If anyone is reading my story that's from Boston I'd love to know who you are and if you're okay. All my love to the people and families affected.

Xx Sarah

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