Chapter 9

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Sabrina's POV

When I wake up from my nap I see a note on Josh's coffee table.

Dear Sabrina,

I didn't want to wake you from your nap so I thought I'd leave you a note. Go get dressed in something pretty and meet me in front of the cabins around 12:30. Love you lots.


I smiled to myself and looked at the clock. Shit it's already 12:00. I run out of Josh's cabin and over to mine. I pick out a cute sun dress and I hop into the shower.

Once I get out of the shower I throw on the sundress and some black flip flops. I look at myself in the mirror. I dry my hair with my blowdryer and decide to leave it curly, as usual.

I look at the clock and its 12:30. I grab my bag and run out the door. I see josh waiting for me sporting some Bermuda shorts and a white T-shirt that displayed his abs nicely.

"Hey beautiful." He greets me kissing my cheek. "How was your nap?" I blush a little. "It was good." I reply and he takes my hand. "Where are we going?" I ask extremely curious. "On our first date." He replies simply.

A first date. I wonder where that could be.

We walk a little further and we come into a kinda clearing. There's some trees around us and nobody can really see us. There's a wonderful picnic set up.

"This is amazing! Thank you." I say to Josh engulfing him in a hug. "Your welcome baby." He kisses me softly. I put my arms around his neck and fists my fingers through his hair as his travel to hips then inside my back pockets.

We pull back and look at each other smiling and breathless.

We sit down and we eat and talk and cuddle. Then he asks me a question I was hoping to avoid.

"Just wondering, have you ever had a boyfriend?" I nod my head slightly against his chest. "Mind telling me about them." I sigh and sit up ready to tell him about the guys who ruined my life.

"Okay, so the first boy that got permission to date me is Colby. I met him 3 years ago. He was a really sweet guy, made me laugh and stood behind me all the way. We dated for 3.5 months then he said he found somebody else. Turns out that somebody else was my best friend at the time Molly. She wasn't my friend after that."

I stop and Josh thinks about this for a moment, then motions for me to continue.

"The second guy I dated was 2 months after Colby and I broke up and his name was Dillion. He was really nice and I thought this were going great. He was my first kiss and he made sure not to rush things. It was a great 5 months that we dated. Then his friend Jon moved to town and he started to become a player so we broke up."

Josh nods in understanding and I continue.

"My third boyfriend was 6 months after Dillon and I broke up. His name was Brady and he was the greatest. Then he talked me into going to this party and I had drank a little to much, but I could still function just not as well. Brady decided to take me to a room and while I was giggling and in between the kisses he was giving me I felt a pain in my lower area, if you know what I mean. I asked him what he thought it was, my mind was still a little foggy and my vision a little blurry. Brady kept saying its okay, it'll all be over soon. Turns out that pain was from Brady raping me while I wasn't even fully sober. I dumped him right after that."

I stop and I don't even realize I'm crying until Josh wipes the moisture from under my eyes.

"Last but not least, there's my last boyfriend before you, Kyle. He wasn't bad but right after we got together I knew he was a player. Just because I wouldn't let him have sex with me he dumped me and he was lip locking with Polly by 4th period."

Josh looks at me, like he doesn't know what to do. I don't blame him either.

"I have something to show you." Josh says and stands up. I follow him and we end up down where the seedoos are. We each get on one and Josh leads me out to the middle of the lake.

"Look down into the water." Josh instructs and I look down. Spelled out in shells and rocks is the words 'I love you Sabrina'. "Oh my god Josh. I can't believe you did this." I say taking in the beauty of it.

We go back to his cabin.

"Do you know you're the best girl in the world." Josh says coming up to me. "If you say I'm the best then I guess I'll have to live up to the title." I shrug and wrap my arms around his neck, his finding my hips.

Our lips move in sync and I can't help but smile against his lips. I wrap my legs around his waist and he leads me towards his bedroom.

He lays me on his bed and climbs on top of me, reconnecting our lips. His hands roam my body and I start to lift up his shirt which finds its way to the floor quickly. I rub my fingers along his abs as he starts to lift up my dress. My dress gets tossed aside and I flip him over so I'm straddling his waist. I slide his shorts down and he kicks the to the side. I grind into him while he moans slightly in pleasure. He flips me over and starts to undo my bra. I arc my back giving him more access. He tosses it aside, slowly rubbing my boobs while nippling on my sweet spot. I moan and works his way down. He grab my underwear in his teeth and starts to pull it down.

(I won't go into to much detail but long story short. Things were getting mighty dirty in Josh's cabin that afternoon.)

That evening we have another fire. I'm sitting in Josh's lap and we're playing truth or dare.

"Sabrina, truth or dare?" Lizzy asks me. "Dare?" I say more as a question. She comes and whispers into my ear, "I dare you to go into your cabin with me and I'll hand you something that you have to wear for the entire night, no ifs, ands or buts about it." I nod and we walk into my cabin.

She hands me a skimpy set of lacy lingerie. I slip it on and she smiles an evil smile. We walk out and I feel all the guys staring at me. I return my spot on Josh's lap and I feel his little friend poking into me. I rock backwards which cause him to moan, he try's to cover it up with coughing but everyone knows what he did.

I head in early cause I'm freezing and change into my pjs and climb into bed.

I toss and turn but can't fall asleep for the life of me. I get up and tiptoe outside. I walk to Josh's cabin and step inside. I walk to his room and climb into bed beside him. He opens his eyes to see who it is. Once he realizes its me he kisses my cheek and pulls me into his body. We sleep like that for the rest of the night.


I know guys. You've waited forever and I for you a sucky short chapter. I'm sorry. Forgive me by commenting, voting and fanning. Thx

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