During the summer I lived on the beach. Literally

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This is my new book! I hope you guys like it and I really appreciate people who comment vote and fan. Thanks. :) -Sarah

Character information:

Sabrina- medium height, red curly hair, blue eyes, outgoing, tan, an amazing artist, lives life to the fullest. Has a crush on Josh.

Sara- tall, lanky, straight brown hair, dark brown eyes, over thinker, extremely curious, amazing at spying without being caught. Has a crush on Jake.

Selena- tall, skinny, wavy black hair, green eyes, awesome singer, really good dancer. Has a crush on Zach.

Abby- short, skinny, straight blonde hair, blue eyes, loves reading, scared easily, shy. Has a crush on Aaron.

Zoe- short, extremely skinny, straight blonde hair with blue streaks, friendly, excited easily, photographic memory. Has a crush on Nate.

Cam- medium height, skinny, wavy auburn hair, green eyes, strong, sneaky, isn't scared of anything except spiders and clowns. Has a crush on Ryan.

Lizzy- short, curly light brown hair, skinny, tanned, brown eyes, full of energy, talkative, is up for everything. Has a crush on Cody.


Josh- tall, shaggy light brown hair, brown eyes, well built, has a 6-pack, loves to have fun, great in bed. *Wink, Wink* He has a crush on Sabrina.

Jake- tall, short dark brown hair, warm brown eyes, muscular, amazing abs, nice, likes playing sports, owns a boat. He has a crush on Sara.

Zach- tall, curly black hair, green eyes, great abs, good singer, likes sports, never slept with a girl, get angry easily. Has a crush on Selena.

Aaron- medium height, blonde Bieber styled hair, blue eyes, rocking the abs, likes to read but doesn't let anyone know that, likes to write poetry. Has a crush on Abby

Nate- medium height, auburn hair, green eyes, has abs, likes short girls, the master of truth or dare, works out a lot, loves attention. Has a crush on Zoe.

Ryan- tall, black hair, brown eyes, toned body,gets what he wants, parents are rich, bought his friends seadoos, spoils friends a lot. Has a crush on Cam.

Cody- medium height, blonde hair, green eyes, toned body, nice abs, kinda quiet (Just kidding. He never shuts up), smart, not good at sports. Has a crush on Lizzy.

So that's a bit of knowledge about the characters. The story will always be in Sabrina's POV unless I say otherwise. I hope you guys like my new book. Also if you like/love one direction I have 2 One Direction fanfics that I'm writing if you want to check those out. Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy. :) Sarah

During the summer I lived on the beach. LiterallyWhere stories live. Discover now