I gave up I moaned. But that didn't stop Harry. In fact he seemed encouraged so he kept up his actions. My moans grew audible and I had to shove any blush that dared to creep into my cheeks. He slowly reached for my top and pulled it over my head, as I did the same for him. Now we were both topless. He groaned as I tugged on his hair. Gosh I've always wanted to do this!

My thoughts were hazy and I know I'm the back of it I wanted more. No needed more.......


The sound of the timer going off stopped Harry in his tracks. I heard him sigh. I did too. I lightly got up and so did Harry, he turned off the timer muttering under his breath. Which I couldn't quite make out what he was saying but I was hoping he'd continue what we were doing. The awkward silence filled the room, suddenly feeling self-conscious I grabbed my top. Putting it on I watched as Harry ran a hand through his sexy hair that was super messy.

"Am yeah that was the game" he said awkwardly.

I nodded as I didn't trust my voice. Harry gave me a small smile. Without warning another irritating sound went off.  Harry saw how I cringed, "Sorry.." he said sheepishly before answering his phone.

"Oh hey dude.... No I'm just... Really?..... Oh my god....I'll see you.... Ok...bye dude" Harry said as he spoke on the phone. He glanced at me but I took this time to get up and make myself occupied.

My feelings towards Harry were so puzzling:my head was telling me I shouldn't be feeling anything towards Harry. And we'll my heart. I don't trust it.

"I got to go am my friend got into this college he was transferred over so yeah I'll see you later"

I tried to hid my disappointment and my unhealthy thoughts that came in that moment. He must be sneaking off to another girl. I felt my stomach take a dip for the worse.

"Ok bye" I waved awkwardly.

Harry's POV

I made up some pathetic excuse to leave, I saw how Ginny looked away. But I couldn't help but feel like she was disappointed? But why?

I was young. We had grew up together. I watched her fall for someone else. He was such a jerk to her. I had secretly broke his nose while Ron gave him two black eyes. Come to think of it, Ron and I hadn't seen each other since the Battle of Hogwarts. It really was my fault. I had left, I needed to free to get out away from being the Saviour! No one saw me as just Harry. My parents were full of work and never really cared on my career, they did care if I failed so I had to pass. I was an 'A' student as I did well, I wanted to have a good reputation and I got one, being Harry Potter the Boy Who Lived twice had its advantages and also disadvantages. Truth be told I wasn't a virgin. I lost it when I was about 17, she threw herself at me. I slept with many girls after that and I was hella a lot experience gained from these ladies. I don't know why but I just felt disgusted with myself. That's why I go with the rule: tap the hoe and out she go.

I used to love but gave up.... Cho was once special to me but it didn't work out. I found out she cheated on me. Why commit if your not ready? There's so fucking excuse! It's just being selfish!

From that moment on, I decided I play girls, no one plays me. Its just easier to pretend right?
As I rounded the corner I was currently driving towards Ryan's apartment.

He was coming to university to join Janet.


I banged on his door before waiting for a response.

"Hey mate " Ryan grinned.

"Hey Dufus" I teased.

We played Xbox for about 4hours until Ryan and I decided to put his things into my booth and head. He had already packed and now we were signing in.

"I'll see you for my birthday party tomorrow night dude" Ryan smirked.

I nodded and headed towards my room.

It was 12:00 I was exhausted.

I saw Ginny sprawled across her bed, her phone flashed and a message appeared. It was a guy.

Hey Ginny, its Blake I was wondering if you would like go out? Text me back X

My eyes glared at the phone. What! Stop Potter! This is Ginny!

Annoyed at myself I took my top off and fell onto bed and slept. We'll tried to...

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