"You would not believe it Gin! Your father may have pulled a few strings to get out late application through" Janet said happily. I smiled fondly at my father's actions. I must send him a letter to thank him graciously. He certainly is the best. My smile grew when I saw them holding their applications.

"I am so thrilled you guys!!! You have no idea" I shrieked with happiness.  "What rooms are you guys in?" I asked looking at their Harbor accommodation leaflets.

"I'm in room 710" says Janet quickly.

"I'm in room 711"  chimes Crystal.

"I'm in room 718" Hermione smiled happily. I dragged there asses from the hallway in to my room and we all settled down on the couch.  We spent the next hour catching up on lost time. Laughing and joking about everything and anything. I sighed happily as I saw my three best friends bellow with the giggles and I couldn't help but thank the God I have. 

"Shit I better text Emz" I quickly rang to get my phone and sent her a quick text.

"Oh my god, how is my dear Emilie" I heard Crystal yell from the lounge room area.  "Running after all the lads I'm guessing?" I snorted and entered back in the room. Crystal was giving a smug look and I rolled my eyes.

"She use to be like that. Cut her some slack" I chuckled. Crystal rolled her eyes and stifled a yawn mocking my response. 

Next minute I hear are bangs on the door. I wince at the loud noise and sigh. She's here. I chuckled seeing Janet run towards the door.

"Gee get the the door Brownie" I sarcastically said towards Janet. Janet only flipped me off before she swung the door opened. Crystal hopped up and both of them fought to try greet— who I guessed was Emilie.

"Ahh it's Crystal Brown" screams Emilie. I winced slightly putting my hands over my ears.

Those girls can scream!

"Ginevra Molly Weasley why didn't you tell me they were here!"  Emilie's voice boomed through my accommodation, while she pulled Crystal into a gigantic hug.

"Hey where's my hug?!" Janet pouted.

"Brownie?" Emilie screeched excitedly.

"Wow girl look at you, uglier as ever" Janet teased while pulling a scowling Emilie into a hug. "Thanks babes" was all Emilie said before sticking her tongue out.

"Hermione Jean Granger, the brains of our fantastic group is that you?" Emilie exclaimed bringing them into hugs.

"Oi don't I get a hug?" I asked pouting.

"Nah" teased Emilie before flicking her hair.

I stuck my tongue out and pouted like the child I was. I crossed my arms as a scowl fell on my face. Emilie rolled her eyes before bringing all five of us together.  Suddenly the air changed in the room and another presence was felt.

In Harry Potter walked in—his hair soaked. No dirty thoughts Gin!!!!

I watched as his green eyes widened. He opens his mouth—

"Ginny what's going on? Hermione is that you?" Harry ran over picking up Hermione and swirling her around. Suddenly I felt a pang of jealousy swoop in on me but I shoved that feeling down... easy Gin..

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