[iv.ix. the hills]

Start from the beginning

Calum bounces his knee anxiously.

Luke looks up. "Where's Emma?"

Michael shrugs.

"Like hell you don't know--"

"I don't. Jesus Christ. I don't know where she is 24/7."


And all boys smile politely as glasses of water are set before them.

God, Calum thinks. This is so fucking awkward.

And mostly just for him. Mostly it was because he knew so much about Royce's past and Royce's relationship with this woman and he didn't know how to feel. He felt some sort of loyalty to his girlfriend, right? Like, he felt like he should hate the woman offering him water inside her house and something inside of him was simply unable to do that.

"So..." Dina looks between them, "You're all friends of Emma's?"

Luke is quick to answer that. "Just Michael."

Dina's face contorts in confusion. "Well..."

"We're all her friends," Michael clarifies, jabbing Luke hard and quickly in the ribs. "He's just being a shit."

"I fucking swear--Call me a shit one more time..."

"Okay, got it," she chuckles. And she lifts a brow. "Y'all do that a lot, huh?"

Sassy--definitely Royce's mom, Calum thinks instantly, as Luke and Michael glare between themselves.

And she--Dina--only chuckles.

"Well, if you're waiting on Em, she should be on her way home from school soon--"

"Actually," Calum interjects, "I was wondering if I could talk to you, first," he says.


"About Emma."


And she sits down, now. Sitting across from the four of them on the couch and seating herself in an armchair

And she stares at him, her head cocked, eyes narrowed slightly in a way that suggests she recognizes him--recognizes him from that day he'd ran after Royce; recognizes him from that day she showed up for her daughter in the rain.

And she looks so much like her.


And Dina.

They're both obviously related, with that dark skin and long hair and almond-shaped eyes that read more than is often shared.

"Is there..." Calum licks his lips, wondering at once how invasive he's going to be able to be with these questions. "Is there something going on with Emma right now?"

Dina lifts an eyebrow. "Like...?"

"Like..." Calum searches for the words, "Like, possibly...possibly with her dad?"

"Look," she grins, "if you've got a question about Snake, you might as well open up and ask. I know you know him," she cocks her head, staring at him through narrowed almond eyes, "so go on," she continues, "Stop beating around the bush."

Calum takes a deep breath.

"Where's Snake?"

Dina hums. Now, they're getting somewhere. "Jail," she replies curtly. "Next."

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