CHAPTER 3: Gunshots

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We were about to reach the swings, when we suddenly heard a BIG bang.

It was definite that I wasn't just being paranoid. The frightening, loud noises made everyone stand chillingly still. Me and Jimin jumped in response. I have never heard such a loud bang before. It's not what you would hear everyday. Or even every year. People screamed and children ran to their parents. It seemed like they knew what was going on, but I didn't. Me and jimin both looked at each other, alarmed, as we put our hands over our ears. Suddenly, I started to sweat, and it felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest. It was like something out of a movie.

"What just happened? What was that noise??" I shouted, suddenly clinging onto him.
"Gunmen on the loose..." He mumbled, breathing heavily. Everyone in the park was terrified, including us. I gasped in awe, when I heard the word 'gunmen'. What's going to happen to us? Did I hear that right?, I thought.
"What do you mean? How did you know? Why are they here?" I started to panick, electric pulses running through my body.
"The gunmen - Terrorists. They shoot innocent people. My brother got shot in one of the attacks - We have to run. NOW."  he suddenly grabbed my hand and we ran. We got into his car and fastened our seat belts while our hands shook. Jimin started the engine, and drove as fast as we could. We didn't know where we were driving to, but I knew I could trust him fully.

At least his family is in Korea.

"I'm so scared," I cried. I hid my face in my hands. My white shirt uniform turned transparent, as my tears soaked my sleeve.
"Just stay calm, leave it up to me. Everything will be alright, okay?"
Jimin 's comforting voice somewhat calmed me down for a moment.
I was so surprised at how well he was dealing with the situation.
But there was an expression on his face that told me he was scared too. I stared up at him, as he frowned, one hand on the wheel and the other on the arm rest.

"...OH NO," I shouted, and removed my seatbelt.
Jimin stopped his car at the side of a long road.
"Melody, what is it?" Jimin turned to me and looked seriously worried for what I was about to say. My heart raced, adrenaline rushing through my body. How could I have forgotten this?

...My mum said she would walk tessa the dog in the park after school.

"Mum... WE HAVE TO SAVE HER!!" I cried, "SHE'S IN THE PARK!!"
"Melody, it's too dangerous!" Jimin held my arm.
"But we have to save her and tess...," I sobbed.
"I'll call the police." Jimin said. He had a serious expression on his face. I was shaking.
"I'm here for you, ok?" He stroked my head, and embraced me. I nodded, and rested my head on his shoulder.
We were hugging awkwardly, as our seats were quite apart but that didn't matter.

Jimin got his phone out and dialed. Every ring made us more anxious.
"The police speaking, what has happened?" A male voice said on the other end of the line. I looked at Jimin worried, waiting for him to speak.
"There are gunmen shooting people near us," Jimin panted.
"Ok, where is the location in which this is taking place?" The policeman said.
"It's in Hyde park, London. My friend's mum is in the park, please save them." Jimin had sympathy and slight desperation in his voice. He really cares about me.
"Okay lad, we'll sought this out. We will try our best." The police hung up.

Me and Jimin looked at each other nervously, he held my hand to comfort me.
"We'll drive somewhere far away after we pick your family up, okay?" He spoke in a soothing tone. His eyes stared into mine. It felt like he knew how I felt. He started the engine.

I'm such a crybaby. Whenever I panick I want to cry. Then I look at how strong Jimin is being. I don't want him to see me as weak. I don't want him to see me as a wimp. It's a stubborn thing to say - but I'm afraid that if I show my vulnerability, people would leave me. I don't know where I got this from, but it just somehow grew in me. Yet I cried anyway. I mean, how can I not?

Will mum be ok? Will Tessa die too? What will I do without them? How will dad and Danielle react? Thoughts swam around my head, making me feel dizzy.
"Do you feel sick?" Jimin looked at me.
"You shouldn't take your eyes off the road. I don't feel sick don't worry." I lied. Of course I feel sick. But I don't want us to crash.
"I know you're lying. We'll take a rest after a while, okay?" He squeezed my hand, still looking straight forward.

Jimin stopped the car for a moment, and I told him the address of my house. I knew on that day, dad worked from home and Danielle finished school. So they are both at home. Phew. I sighed from stress. I don't know why I would do if they were at the park as well.

I told myself to think about the positive side of this - Well, that's what mum has always told me. Whenever something negative happens, you have to try and see the good that came with it.
I have to appreciate the fact that dad and Danielle are going to be safe. But this is the matter of life and death for mum. Her life, and tessa's life is at risk. Can people be positive even through events like this? How can I stay happy if mum might die?

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