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"Merry Christmas!".

Aunt Yvette, voice boomed around the whole household. I giggled, as I can only imagine the smile on her face right about now. I looked down at my phone, noticing that Isaac had replied to my message. I couldn't stop smiling, I didn't even know why I was smiling just felt like today was going to be a good day, an unforgettable day. Sliding, my feet into my fluffy slippers, I wrapped my nightgown around me, the house wasn't the warmest due to the coldness from the wintry December. I yawned and just in time my stomach rumbled, I frowned, throwing my phone onto my bed, I proceeded to the bathroom to freshen up myself.

I looked at myself in my mirror. I looked the same, I looked like this everyday. I looked, plain. There was nothing special about me. Today, I wanted to make an effort - I went on and done my own face beat, I wasn't a makeup fan but I knew how to make myself want-able. After, a long forty five minutes of doing my face up, I stood facing the mirror, I couldn't stop grinning now. It's been a while since, I looked this good and felt this confident in myself. My smile dropped, as I looked at the bush through the mirror that was rested upon my head. Due, to my hairdresser flying out of the country, I didn't manage to get my hair done all nice up. My hair wasn't rough, dry and tough for an half African, half Caribbean girl. I guess, the West Indies in me, done me well. I had more of kinky hair type. Quickly, I done it up in a high bun not forgetting to sleek up my edges.

8 Days of Christmas, Destiny Child's was currently being played by aunt in the kitchen as she cooked up the food, I loved this timing of the year. This would be our first Christmas without Paul here, I thought aunty Yvette wouldn't be the same as it's usually her and Paul in the kitchen cooking together but she seemed just fine. I smiled, at the thought knowing that my aunty was doing just fine, after all she had us and we had her.

"The the feelin' that I feel is so good
He makes me feel so in lo-lo-lo-lo-love
If he only knew what he does to me
My man, my man, my baby," she sang along to the song swaying her hips in time the tune.

". . Oh he makes me feel so lovely, so sexy, I'm so in lo-lo-lo-lo-love, how I love him for his generosity, my man, my man, my baby?" I joined, singing along with her as a smile performed on both of our lips as we sang the next line together; "Doesn't it feel like Christmas it feels lovely, doesn't it feel like Christmas it feels so lovely, doesn't it feel like Christmas the spirit of Christmas. Yes it feels like Christmas".

"You look beautiful baby girl, your mother would of been so proud of you". I couldn't stop, the tear from escaping. I wished that they were here to celebrate this very day with us. I wasn't sad, as I was very grateful to have a aunty like Yvette, herself. I was ever so thankful. "Oh, dear. Do not cry, they wouldn't want this. They are here today with us celebrating this day with us, go on and enjoy today with your cousins, don't ruin your makeup, you look beautiful".

"Thank you aunty, you look beautiful yourself". Honestly, she looked like God's perfect creation of art. Words, couldn't describe her beauty, there wasn't a word close enough to describe how drop dead gorgeous she is. I smiled, one last time at her and disappeared off to annoy Steph in the front room.

"Cleo? Nah, that ain't you". Steph, said with her mouth almost hanging, I couldn't help but laugh a little at her stupidity, I jumped in the sofa next to her.

"Your so silly at times but I do love you". I loved them all, yet they didn't know how much I actually appreciated them all.

"Big man ting, Cleo. Why are you looking so peng today? What man you trying to chirps on Christmas da- NO! Is this all for Isaac? Cos, he's coming round soon".

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