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I rolled my eyes, noticing Cameron's trainers walking into the Media classroom. We haven't spoken of that day. We, meaning myself, Isaac and Cameron. I could tell that he wanted to, the way he looked down at me made me feel dirty. Cameron has never looked at me, the way he looks at . . Chantelle. Avoiding Isaac came naturally now; at first it was hard seeing him everyday but after a month. He's finally got the picture. I know cutting him off over a small kiss wasn't the maturest thing to do but if whatever we wanted to go on would make Cameron look at me like I was any other girl he disliked, I wasn't trying to be that girl. Family, meant everything to me - especially Cameron's family, I really didn't want him having to dislike me over his friend but I'm sure Isaac understood. I felt like I've disappointed him even though I know I don't owe him anything, at the same time I know I've disappointed myself. What was I thinking, me and Isaac? Yeah, right, in a billion years. Isaac was way out of my portion and I'm sure I was way out pf his portion. I don't know what he wants from me - I refuse to be added to his list of girls he's used. I shall not become that girl again. I ain't that same girl, I was and depended on man. I'm my own person; born alone and I shall die alone.

Next, to enter the class was Isaac. His aura drew to the pupils. Everything about Isaac is attractive. He walked in with his back pack over one shoulder, his plain black jeans hung just below his waist, not too far down but enough for us to see what colour boxers he had on. The white tee he had on showed that he was a active member at the gym. His eyes travelled around the class, I shifted in my seat uncomfortably as his eyes latched with mines. I wanted to smile but I couldn't instead I looked away, only to hear him kiss his teeth as he walked past me and took a seat right behind me. I sighed heavily, opening my book, ready for this long lesson, that always drag.

"We will be work in text books, open them and take notes. Not stealing word for word either," Miss Clarke, announced walking throwing the books onto the tables. Most of the class groaned in annoyance, that would include me, usually I don't mind working in books but today I do, text book makes the lesson drag and I really couldn't bear with Isaac staring right into my back.

"Allow it miss man".

"Don't allow it miss man me, I'm sure you know where the door is David".

David kissed his teeth but didn't say anything. Smart thinking.

"What no dick this morning miss?". The class erupted out into laughter at Isaac's question, I shook my head and opened the text book choosing to get on with my work.

An hour to go.

"Do you want to repeat yourself Isaac?".

I heard him chuckle from behind me, "nah I'm good miss".

"Then shut your mouth and get on with your work".

59 minutes.

I closed my eyes as memories from my past flooded my head.

11th December 2010.

Wrapping my arm myself, I hugged myself as I walked home, from Nia's house. I know it's December but why was it so damn cold. I sniffed, picking up the pace of my walk. My toes were burning, I had huggs on as well my toes felt like they would fall off if anyone was to touch them. I was proper wrapped up from head to toes, I had the full gears on for this weather. The streets weren't lively as they were in the summer; only couple mandem was out and about the ones that definitely didn't have a home, right now I would of been laughing out loud at my joke but I couldn't, my teeth clattered together against each other.

"Oi!" I looked back to see, three figures, I screwed but carried on walking, they could never be referring to me as that especially in this cold, I didn't even have the time to cuss. I proceeded on walking home, the thought of curling up in my warm bed with a nice hot chocolate, made me excited.

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