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We arrived at a mansion, it looked so formal and i didn't think i was dressed enough, we couldn't have been meeting his Parents and i had no other idea of why we were here.

"JAKE I SWEAR IF YOU DON'T BRING YOUR FAT ASS HERE I WILL HURT YOU......HARD"I heard a very familiar voice yell, it took me a while but i figured out it belonged to Jewel. I started to think it wasn't that bad but the 2 questions running through my head were, why are we here? and what is this place?.

"Come on lets go inside"Shadow said getting out the car, "what is this place" i asked the one question that's been going through my mind, "well this is the gang house" as soon as i heard those words leave his mouth i stopped middle of my tracks. "don't worry princess its gonna be fine" he said intertwining our fingers.

We walked inside, I'll admit I was a bit nervous, I met most of the gang and found out that they all live in this 25 room mansion, I was walking back from the bathroom when a little boy ran into me, He looked like someone but I couldn't put my finger on it. The same face structure and everything. He looked to be around 3 years old.

"Hey little man, what's your name" I said bending down on my knees to reach his height "Mwe Jessie is not a girl mame" he said in a cute little voice Mispronouncing some words. "O well I'm Summer" I said reaching out my had to his, he ignored my hand and wrapped his cute little arms around me, he giggled slightly "you remind me of
Olaf" I said to him while he realest his grip on me.

"I know owaf he a snowman" he said becoming giddy, "so little Olaf what are you doing wondering around here, where's your mommy or daddy" I said to him "mommy's in heaven and daddy's uhh" he didn't finish his sentence.

"Jessie what did I tell you about leaving that-" shadow stopped talking when he seen me "daddy's here" Jessie said. I widened my eyes in shock, I blinked a couple a times, this must be a dream it is a dream.

I bit my tongue to make sure it was a dream and sadly it wasn't causing my tongue to hurt, I looked in between Jessie and Shadow they had the same eyes, the hair was the same giving of like father like son vibe.

I stood there my mouth opening and closing like a fish, "daddy I'm hungwy " Jessie said, "not now Jessie, look summer I'll explain everything ju...just hear me out" I looked into his eyes and saw utter guilt and regret but also hope.

I nodded my he's afraid what my voice would say "my sunny" Jessie called out as shadow led him to a room "bye Olaf" I replied.

"Ok well there is Jessie, you see his mom was a one time thing but she called me after 4 months telling me she's pregnant to obviously I had to stay with her, she died after she gave birth to him and I had to look after him ever since, I know this changes a lot of things but i do really like you summer but i love Jessie more then anything in the world" he said hope flashing though his eyes.

I smiled at how much he really loved his son, I really like Shadow and I like everything with shadow so I guess I'll have to deal with it, I went passed shadow "please don't leave me" he muttered, I ignored him and walked into the room he put Jessie in "hey Olaf can I play" I asked as I sat down cross legged and looked at the big playing with his Legos.

Shadow came to the door and smiled gratefully, "the wed Lego and the yewo Lego go like dis" he said putting the 2 Legos together. "Olaf, ask your daddy to come play with us" I whispered into Jessie's ear, "daddy, daddy come come" Jessie yelled running to shadow pulling on his hand.

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