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I opened my locker and threw my books with so much force it hit the wall making a loud bang, people started giving me weird looks but I just flipped them of. I'm so Tired I only got 1 hour sleep last night because I was studying for our test that was today.

I shut the door and came face to face with my boyfriend. "is it someone's time of the month again" Shadow said "Teddy bear shut up" I mumbled "well isn't that the sweetest thing ever" he said sarcastically, I looked at him and raised a eyebrow.

"You are so boring, anyways what's got your panties in a twist" he asked "I was up all night studying for our chemistry test today did you study" I asked.

"Nope" he said simply, I looked at him wide eyed " this counts on half of our report" I stated "don't worry about me Princess" he said pecking my lips. "anyways have any plans for tonight" he asked "yeah, I'm ...going to go get drunk take some cocaine and have sex with a male stripper" I said grumpily.

"I hope you are joking because Princess I'm not going to let a guy look at what's mine" he said smirking "I was joking and I actually do have plans" I said, "unless that's to do 'things' with me then I don't want to hear it" he said making bunny ear things on each side of his head when he was saying that.

"Then why did you ask" I said looked At him, he chuckled why is chuckling do I have something on my face oh no. "what are you doing love" he said lowly, that sounded so freaking hot that's the first time his said that! shut the hell up Summer your sounding like a stupid fan girl and only over his voice that's so weird.

"I am going to my uncles house to help his wife cook dinner since they have a meeting with her boss, you?" I stated "I'm doing nothing" he said. He held my hand and walked the rest of the way to class with me. should I ask, don't you dare ask him, "do you want to come with me" I asked, oh you bloody wombat why the hell did you ask him. He looked at me and kissed me, "sure" he simply said.

"I got A+ Princess and I didn't even study how sick is that" Shadow yelled "what-ho-wh-how you didn't study I only got A that's not cool" I said. "sorry Princess maybe next time" he said kissing my forehead.


"Hey Mia, this is my boyfriend Tyson, Tyson this is Mia" I said introducing my uncles Wife to Tyson, "oh Summer you picked a good one huh" she said, he smirked at me and wiggled his eyebrows, we chatted for a few minutes till we had to start cooking.

"Ok can you please sit down and roll the meatballs" she asked, Mia was Italian she had black hair, Hazel eyes and was short she was about 4'8. I washed my hands and sat down next to Shadow, "ok I want you to roll the meatballs into balls ok" she said, Shadow snickered.

I grabbed some meat and began rolling "no no no Summer you have got to roll the balls not hard or gently, you have to make sure it doesn't squash or not become a good ball" she said Shadow busted out laughing "stop being so......dirty minded" I whispered, he kept on laughing.

"Ok Summer,and you have to roll it in circular motion, did you know I made the meat my self it's filled with a lot meat and protein, herbs and spices" she stated, I nodded looked at Shadow whose face was red from laughing so much.

"ok let me teach you how to roll the balls ok, you have to use the palm of your hands ok and roll roll roll, make sure not squash them ok because it has to be perfect, then when there in a complete ball looking shape and it's done,put it on the tray and move on to the next one ok, now I have to go get some things ill be back in 30 minutes" she said Shadow was dying from laughter and he wasn't afraid to show it.

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