This is not a chapter.

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This is not a chapter but it can help with understanding the feud between Alex and Marco.

Ten years Ago

When they were both seniors in high school. Alex and Marco were the best of friends, inseparable.

Then a girl came along and they both fell in love with her. Her name was Demitris. 

Demitris or Demi as she was known was a very beautiful girl. She has shoulder length wavy black hair that  framed her face with soft curls. She had soft kissable pink lips, long thick lashes and light gray eyes that were framed by them.  Her body seemed to be perfectly sculpted by the hands of a God and when she seemed as if her smile could cure cancer. 

Both boys loved her but her heart could only go out to one of them and that was Alex. Seeing that Demitris liked Alex, Marco stepped back to let him have her. 

Knowing that Marco also Liked Demitris, Alex gave her up for Marco. This Broke Demi's heart and she ended up committing suicide.

Both boys blamed the other boy for the death of their first love. They both knew that she committed suicide after being rejected. Alex knew Marco rejected her and blamed Marco for her death while Marco knew Alex rejected her and blamed Alex for her death. 

They both felt like the other boy took his love from him and this misunderstanding caused the two boys to drift apart and hate each other. Alex soon lowered his hate Marco but never quite forgot it. Marco on the other dwelled on his hate for Alex and lived for the day when he would be able to get revenge on the one Alex loved the most to make Alex feel the pain he felt. 

Ten years Later

Alex meets his mate and moves on with life feeling completely in love Henson. He enjoys his love life and his life as Alpha. 

Marco on the other hand hides in the shadows waiting for the perfect opportunity to kill Henson and get back at Alex. 

When he finds out that Henson is pregnant and blessed with the divine blessing of the Moon Goddess, once he heard that he knew it was time to strike. 

The Big Bad Wolf's Mate (BoyxBoy/Mpreg/AU) UNDER EDITING Where stories live. Discover now