Fool me, Once That's fine. Fool me, Twice I'll slit your throat - Alex Pierce

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I hastily pulled Henson away from Lee and sat Henson in a chair. Henson sat in the chair and crossed his arms over his chest in frustration. "Henson, you can't do that."

"It was just a little kick." He mumbled.

"You broke his jaw!" I yelled, throwing my hands up in the air.

"He's a werewolf, he'll heal."

I sighed. "That doesn't give you any reason to try and beat him half to death."

Henson's head wiped around and he shot me a nasty glare and sent shivers down my spine. "Are you defending him, Alex?" He spat my name as if it was poison in his mouth.

"No, No of c-c-course not. I'm just saying that if you hurt him we can't get any information out of him."

"Oh." He muttered, scrutinizing me for a few seconds before turning away.

I had Dean pick up Lee and take him to our pack doctor to fix him up, after that we can get more answers out of him.

As Dean was carrying him out of the room, something fell from his jacket pocket. Henson picked it up before I did.

"Henson, what Is it?"

"A recorder."

I was about to ask what would be on it when Henson pressed the button and it started to play.

(A/N - Everything in italics is what is on the recorder.)

"Lee, do you think this idea is going to work?"

"Of course, Joey. It was an awesome plan, with Cherry's help I think we just might be able to pull it off."

"Yea, you're right."


Henson'd mouth hung open. "He lied to me?"

"Henson we can't be sure of that. They could be talking about something else. I mean Lee said he was helped by Cherry and N, not Joey."

"Joey's middle name is Nathaniel."

"Oh." I said looking at the ground. When I looked back up at Henson he had tears in his eyes.

"Henson, What's wrong?"

"Why is it always me?" He asked before the tears started running down his face. I just stood there staring at him. I didn't know how to deal with a crying person. 

He was crying really hard now and he could barely form words from how much he was crying. "I..(hiccup) j-j-just...want a day of not being hurt or bothered is that too much to ask?!" 

"Henson calm down." I said kneeling next to him. 

"I-i-i-i-..... Am..... C-c-c-c-c-alm." He hiccuped. 

I chuckled and reached my hand up to his cheek and wiped his tears. " It's alright, come here." I opened my arms to him and he clutched himself to my chest and I held him there. "I meant it when I said I wouldn't hurt you and I also meant it when I said I loved you." 

I stood with him in my arms. "I'll never let anyone hurt you, ever and I mean that." 

I started toward my car went he seemed to calm down and was merely whimpering. "Henson are you ok, now?" I asked as I climbed into the car. Dean closed the door behind me and the car moved off. What I got in response was a grunted snore. I looked down at him and realized he was sleeping. 

I let out a small chuckle, and shook my head. "I'll make sure to make your life easier from now on."


The Big Bad Wolf's Mate (BoyxBoy/Mpreg/AU) UNDER EDITING Where stories live. Discover now