15; promise

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s e u n g k w a n

It's Friday.

I am at the meeting place, squirming in my seat nervously as I wait for Areum to arrive.

"Seungkwan?" Someone calls out and I look up.

"A-Areum!" I smile, patting the seat next to me. She gets my gesture and sits down, buttoning up her coat.

"You actually came."

"O-Of course! Why wouldn't I?" I ask. She gives me a small half-hearted smile before looking at the scenery before us. "Aren't you nervous?"

"Not really." She sighs.

"Really? Why?"

"Because this has happened to me before." She replies with a sad tone, focusing her gaze down at her feet. "Look, I don't know why I called you here. Jun forced me to because he said I should face this problem head on."

She inhales deeply.

"Seungkwan... 당신 좋아하지"

I feel my cheeks burning.

"What did you say?"

"You heard me. I like you. More than a friend."

"I-I like you too, Areum. Well, I mean you already know that bu-"

"Seungkwan. Listen to me." Areum stares at me intensely with a sorrowful look. "I need to tell you about... the problem I have. It's going to be a long story."

"Okay. I'm ready."

"One year ago, I got my first phone."


Areum punches me in the arm.


"Don't laugh, Seungkwan."

I apologise quietly before she continues.

"I was downloading a lot of apps. Mostly social ones. When I started to talk to people, I met someone. His name was Jungkook."


No, she must be talking about someone else.

"We started to talk. A lot. We somehow fell in love with each other and we decided to meet. In this spot we are sitting right now was where we first met. I found out he didn't live that far from where I was and he actually went to a school near mine, so we decided to start a relationship.

Everything was going great. But one day, he suddenly changed. I don't even know what happened."

Her voice cracks at the end of her sentence so I pat her back, telling her that it's okay.

"He became distant. I knew he was cheating already. But I still stayed with him because I loved him. I remember waking up in a room which wasn't mine. And he was there. Jungkook was sitting in front of me, but he didn't even look like himself anymore. He looked like a monster. Not the person that I fell in love with."

Areum looks at me, laughing.

"I guess it was my fault that this happened."

"What are you talking about?"

"Seungkwan... Jungkook took my virginity without my consent. That's the most nicest way I can put it."

"What? But you were only 16.."

"And nobody cared until I told someone. I told my brother and he told me he would kill him but I just couldn't let him do that. Because I still loved him."

I frown. "So does that mean you still have feelings for him?"

She shakes her head. "I don't. I'm just worried if you'll do the same to me, too.."

I wrap my arms around her. "I promise I won't. And if I somehow do, you can hurt me as much as you want. But don't hurt my face. My face is the most important part of my body."

Areum lets out a chuckle, finally embracing me as well.

"I promise I'll hurt your junk then."




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