12; feelings

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s e u n g k w a n

Recently I've been doubting myself more than ever.

I confessed to Areum and her problem got worse for some reason. She said it was difficult to talk to me and I respect that. But she hasn't replied in weeks. 3 weeks and 5 days to be exact.

Maybe this is her way of getting rid of me?

Maybe she hates me now?

"Stop thinking about this, Seungkwan. You're just going to end up hating yourself." I tell myself, sighing.

I just hope that this will end soon, even if it does mean we're no longer friends.

a r e u m

Guilt has been eating me up these past few weeks.

I want to text Seungkwan but Jungkook is always haunting my mind. He's the obstacle that lead me to fall into this pit of mixed emotions and battles inside my head.

Will Seungkwan hate me?

Will he even speak to me ever again?

I'm scared.

Scared because..

..I think I'm falling for him too.


double update!¡!

p.s sorry if the chapters suck

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