02; rap god boonon

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a r e u m

Sigh. I'm back in hell and I'm pretty sure everyone knows what I'm talking about. (a/n three i'ms in 1 sentence. noice)


Sighing for what seems the 1,000th time thus morning, I walk down the hallway with my earphones plugged in and bobbing my head slightly to the music.

"AREEEEEUUUUUUUUUUUMM!!" I hear from the distance, reacting too late before someone jumps onto my back. "I've missed you so much!"

Taking out my earphones, I turn my head slightly, catching a glimpse of my best friend, Wen Junhui. What a pain in the ass. I roll my eyes as he gets off of me.

"You do know that it's been two days since you last saw me, right?" I say to him and he grins, throwing his arm around my shoulder.

"Of course I do! I just missed my wittle Areum so much~" He sings in his annoying aegyo voice.

"When will you grow up?" I ask, sighing again.

"Not any time soon." He winks playfully before dragging me into our first class for the day.

The teacher came in late and started blabbering about how important our future is and how we should live every moment to our fullest.

That's funny because whenever I'm home alone I try to fit as many pillows into my shirt to see if my shirt would fit if I had a baby. Well, it's not like I am going to have a baby. I can't even get a boyfriend.

Oh well, at least I've got pizza.

Jun and I sat on the rooftop at lunch, watching as our classmates play sports and hang out on the grass. Taking my phone out, I see that Seungkwan has left more messages.

seungkwan: areum omg


seungkwan: brb gonna kms

seungkwan: jk i was just getting changed

seungkwan: k im going now see you in heaven

seungkwan: dude u shud totally meet my friend vernon

seungkwan: hes so good at rapping

seungkwan: but not as good as me obviously

seungkwan: oops got caught by the teacher see you after i finish detention after school

"Wow, he is really stupid."

"Who is stupid?" Jun glances over my shoulder as I quickly turn off my phone.

"I-It's nobody." I lie, burning bright red. "I was just talking to my brother."

"But your brother is three-years-old?" He raises an eyebrow before snatching my phone off of me as quick as lightning.

"Yah! Give it back!" I shout reaching over him as I try to catch my precious phone.

Jun enters in my passcode and reads basically all of Seungkwan's messages since we started talking.

"Who is this Seungkwan?" He wriggles his eyebrows and smirking.

"None of your beeswax." I reply, crossing my arms and pouting. "Just give my phone back!"

"It's obviously my beeswax, Areum. It's your first love!" He wipes away a fake tear. "Wow, kids really do grow up fast these days."

I whine as he starts typing. This isn't going to end well.

After a year or so, he finally gives the object back to me and I read all of the texts he sent.

areumisswag: seungkwan oppa~ ❤️

areumisswag: i love you so much oppa~ ❤️

areumisswag: we should meet soon oppa~ then we can have a family together! 😘

"Why did you do this to me?!" I shriek, slowly dying, not knowing how to delete my messages. Jun is laughing his head off at my misery but not after I kick him where it really hurts.

"You monster!" He cries, his eyes glassy as tears threaten to fall.

"Hehe, you don't mess with the Areumnator." (a/n why is areum so cringe)

Later that evening, I lay on my bed looking at the messages Seungkwan sent.

seungkwan: um... yeah i love you too areum

seungkwan: but i dont love you more than me

seungkwan: sorry but we cant be together, i just love myself too much

seungkwan: here, as an apology, im gonna send u a video of my awesome rapping skillz

Video recieved.

I press on the video which revealed a cute boy with chubby cheeks who is looking intensely at the camera as he spits everywhere while trying to rap.

'Yeah I know I'm only 17, I only got a few dollars, hajiman jeonhyeo gaeuichi anha It'd be no problem.'

Video ended.

areumisswag: lol nice try but my best friend can rap better than u srynotsry


areumisswag: i'll send a video of his rapping when i c him tomorrow

seungkwan: wait... HIS???!!!!!

areumisswag: yeah.. wat about it?

seungkwan: ur best friend is a male........

seungkwan: i thought u loved me!!


seungkwan: oh my god

seungkwan: im sorry areum but we have to break up

areumisswag: WAIT WHAT

seungkwan: if ur going to cheat on me then we have to end this goodbye areum.

['seungkwan' is offline.]

areumisswag: WHAT IS GOING ON???!!!!

im feeling so energised after writing chapter 4 for some reason
but hey! a new update!
ok bye

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