Part 48 (Jack's POV)

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The way Dale had spoken to Lania, it boiled my blood. No one had the damn right to make such accusations at the blushing, little fire-child that was now a sister to me. To make everything even worse, calling me a fish-biscuit boy was quite the insult!

Mathew had told me to stay calm, he out of everyone knew how quickly my anger could spike. Swallowing my acid, I then kept my focus on the pissed lad.

One, two, three...

Dale began mocking Lania.

...f-four, five, stay calm,

Then Peter fell straight back without protest.

As if my fatherly instinct backed into my head, I pounced  on the plastered fool for putting a hand on my brother. Lania got out the way and bent over to Peter's rescue.

"Oh-oh, God, you're heavy," she groaned while trying to lift him up. Behind her, a mate of Dale's goes in to try and lay a throw at Peter once more but is quickly tossed aside by Mathew's thick arm.

"Ah, weren't you the one to say to stay calm?!"

Coldly looking back, he rolled up his sleeves while I shoved Dale back into the rest of the bunch. Mathew dodged another swing as another lad charged at us. Peter's arm flew straight and drew blood out the boy's nose.

I smile as I see his face go from a fierce warrior to a harmed pup. Lania comes in and tries to soothe and pat away his bruised hand.

"Lord Henry Fickle Fanny Barn, that hurts!" Peter hissed at his knuckles. Our little brother was never much of a curser. One eye was shut and swelling up while he tried to close his fist. Wincing, he shook his head to Lania. "I believe I have broken my wrist."

The pride in me had swelled up bigger than his eye. Peter had finally tossed a mighty fist at someone. All those times I, or Mathew had to run to defend him, well, not no more! I hopped over and shook his shoulders.

"What a hit!"

Lania smacked my chest. "Oh, don't encourage it, Jack!"

To remind us what was going on, Mathew flung Dale over to the floor. He slid a good few feet away as we all turned around to peer down at the pathetic rat.

"Never had I liked him," I mutter to my comrades. Mathew keeps his gaze to Dale as Lania tries to keep Peter from bending his wrist. Tonight somehow felt right. We were finally getting rid of this trash that was laid out in front of us, and if the fates happened to be at our side, Lania, and Mathew would see that they both need to bloody speak up about their god-forsaken emotions!

Dale weakly mutters back, "..y-you dirty fu-"

I smirk as Lania stomps her foot down. "Oh, would you give it a rest!" She marches her cute, little ass down to his, then grabs him by the collar as everyone backs away. Shaking him till she had all his attention, she starts using that cold, firm tone we have all knew too well. "Look at me square in the face, and listen: I am not innocent or pure like some nun, but I am not dirty and loose like some whore. "

Impressed, I cross my arms. "Boys, I believe she has taken control of this ship."

Never leaving his face, she continues, "these are my friends. You might not understand why they are here, but that's not my problem you can't fucking listen for five minutes. Maybe if you had, then maybe I would have kissed you, but thank God you didn't. I would have regretted smacking lips with you."

Lania got closer to his face with every word. "I can see real clear that you aren't who I thought you you better get up, and get out before I call the cops to arrest your drunk ass for underage drinking."

She let him go as he stared wide-eyed back at her glowing goddess-like power. The girl was on fire. She may not have any of my genes, but she was a Wallis; the spirit was in her. Turning to his friends, quickly she points to them and demands they take Dale away before he started another scene.

The entire floor had crowed around to see what was going on, and it all ended with Lania appearing as the badass woman that now men seemed interested in. One fool even tried to sweet talk his way into a dance as she walked back to us. Ignoring him she walked past us and down the steps. Mathew's hand pushed the lad's face back as we headed out with her.

Outside the air welcomed Lania as she extended her arms and sighed, "Argh, it feels good to finally get that off my chest!"

Smiling, I patted her back. "The boy was just a boy, and you deserve better."

Slouching, Lania droops her arms. "I deserve a break." Her back straightens as she holds her hands together. "Oh, and...sorry I didn't tell you all about...about what had happened. I-I just didn't, uhm, I couldn't-"

"Keep things from us again, and I will see to it that you are placed on the tallest tree where you will never get down from," Mathew comes in and quickly grabs her from my side. Leading the way back to the car, I suppress a smile. Lania was surprised to have Mathew possessively holding her near.

As they walk ahead, Peter slowly leans into me, whining about his injury.

"Ah, I almost forgot! How did it feel to toss a good one?" I grab his arm and wave it in the air as he yelps for me to stop. The damn hand of his waved like a flag. Mentally I noted to take his ass to the hospital after dropping Lania off. Peter's eye wasn't looking too grand either. Out of everyone, Baby Boy here had taken the main hits, mostly because he never knew what to do when a fist was flying at him.

"Did it hurt?" I make motion to his disgusting, pulsing eye. "I believe it's winking at me."

"Oh, of course bloody flapper-dagger it did!" He hissed again while trying to squint his good eye. He reminded me of some pirate all hunched over as he held his bad hand, and limped from one aching leg to the other.

Wrapping my arm around his shoulder I make him look to the oblivious love birds. "Perhaps seeing our dear brother finally get the girl will heal some of that pain."

"N-no, I believe I still need to go to the hospital," he replied.

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