Part 19

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"You are not invited." I said while keeping Mathew from leaving his car. My hands were firmly clutching his shoulders, and quickly I found out just how strong he was the second he took hold of my wrists.

"As your boyfriend, I must attend. I am your date." Mathew stood up, then raised my wrists high above his head. My body was pulled towards his, and I stood on my toes to balance myself from completely swinging onto him.

"Why are you so tall?! Why am I so short?!"

His grin became a smirk as the roses bloomed out of my ears, then across my face.

No, no. Oh, no you don't! I tell my body to control itself as he stares into my eyes.

"You are not my boyfriend, you're my..." He continued to keep my eyes locked on his as I spoke. The word 'mentor' didn't seem to fit what he was, though the term would fit what he was doing. I decided to call it another title. "-like a teacher." I hissed out.

Mathew chuckled away from my face, then turned back asking, "Ah, so teacher, and student? How saucy, no, Ms. Kett?"

"Why you-" Quickly, I bite my lip to swallow all the highly inapproriate words I did not like to say, also to hold back the stupid, girly skriek that was in the back of my throat.

EEEEEEEEEEEE! How dare you be this charming! Curse you! Curse you! Curse me with these butterflies from hell! $%#*! @%$&* @$$^&*% Argghhhhh!

By the time he let me go, my nose was ready to drip blood from how much of it flowed to my head from the embarassment. Covering my eyes with my hands, I took a deep breath. Well, of course I had to bring him. Part of me was expecting him to go to the BBQ, but only because a great chance was that Felicia wasn't going to show up, leaving alone in there

-and I refuse to be pushed upon the clients that my mother always insisted I converse with (for relationship purposes).

Ha, ha, NOT TODAY!

"Okay, only...and ONLY because I need a shield in there." I blurted out while I pointed to the house. "You've met my mother. In there, she's Queen Bee, and I refuse to follow her orders. You're my excuse to stay away from the gentlemen." Then I faced him saying, "I am completely being sarcastic; they are creeps."

I waited for Mathew to respond, even an insult would have been welcomed, but what does he do? The man holds my hands, and even as I tug away, he pulls me back in.

"Are you asking for help?"

"What? No, you have to be with me anyway."

"Ms. Kett."

"Mr. Wallis."

"Say it. Simply say you want my help with all the wonderful men your mother has waiting for your arrival, hmm."

Oh, you dog.

"All right!" I groan out as he gently shakes my hands.

"Let's have it."

The wind blew my hair over my face, then with one eye peeking through the mess, I gave him the most eerie, chilling glare as I said, "Please, help me."

For a moment he was disturbed, but quickly his bland expression returned; he clearly wanted me to beg, but there was no way in hell, or heaven above I would beg for help.

As I straightened myself, I heard the door swing open, and Satan shout, "Lania! Oh, Lania! Come inside, quickly! Oh, hello there, Mr. Wallis! Would love if you joined us!"

I could have broke my neck as I turned to face her bright blue outfit, and yellow-feather adorned pumps. A bit of vomit became lodged in my throat. Ah-gawd.

"Good evening, Madame, I apologize, my schedual is quite full." Mathew gave a small wave, then raised a brow at me once I snapped my head back up to him. Slouching my shoulders, silently I began pleading my pride would just let this defeat pass for once.

"Mathew, I need your help. Will you help me. Please."

-you coniving, tactical bastard.

He smirked, grabbed my hand, then lead the way up to my mother's home. Before entering, he faced me and softly poked my nose, whispering, "You finally asked for help, that is one lesson down. Next lesson: don't fight it."

"Fight wh-"

My world was hit with lighting bolts, and roses.

Mr. WallisOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant