Part 38

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After having such an open talk with Peter, I honestly did feel sunny. Sure my fingers couldn't dial Dale's number correctly the first five times, and my voice croaked only for the first two seconds, but other than that I had managed to set up a date with Dale. Years overdue, too.

I had been looking foward to seeing Peter again, but he informed me that he had some work to catch up on.

A free day then?  I wondered as he added that Mathew, and Jack were also quite busy.

I sat in my desk wating to clock out, trying to figure out what to do today, but nothing came to mind.

What do regular people do for fun?

Heels clicked all the way to my ears. Spinning my chair to Alexis, I placed my hand to stop her where she stood.

"Hon?" She asked in the sweetest voice. Poking my arm she tries to see if I am alive.

"What do you do when you're bored?" I asked as I slid my hand down. Alexis tipped my head over to have a better look at me, and asked if I was okay. Nodding, I replied, "So what do you do for fun?"

Eyeing me, she grinned. "I shop. Try it."

Good Lord, do all women do that when they're bored?

Four hours of mindless wandering, and I had managed to purchase two shirts for Joan, and Mary, and a set of earrings for my mother; whenever I had no idea what to buy, I'd purchase something for others.

As I arrived home, mother rushed in to greet me with open arms.

This is a trap. This is a trap. Turn, run, escape.

I try to escape her hold, but she keeps me in her arms.


Ignoring me, she wiggles me around till I drop the bags.

"Lani, what did you buy yourself?" She made a snatch for the bags and her smile scribbled away once she saw the purchases. Lowering her lids, her thin brow gave me the sharpest corner. "No matter, I got you something." She sang while pulling me towards the stairs.

"Really?" I followed her up to my room, then like any horror movie, my body jumped back once I saw the offending pink material laying on my bed. "Oh, what is that?!" My hands wrapped themselves around my mother's arms.

"It's a summer dress, newest collection from a client of mine."

"I suggest you break ties with them immediately, or I'll be suing them for obstructing my vision."

"There you go again," mother rolls her eyes while wetting her lips.

"What is it doing in my room?" Of course I knew why that thing was in my room. I wanted it out, and burned away with all the other silly outfits that lurked around this house.

"Put it on, I want to see you in it." Her voice was leaning a little bit towards a demanding tone, and I begged her with my eyes that I didn't want to even touch it. Again she asked, and poked my butt till I scooted all the way into my room. "Just do it for mama."

"Mama needs to take a nap," I muttered as I walked over to the bed. How many times has it been now that she has made me slip into clothing that wasn't designed for me...or any other sane person? Mentally I round it up to a good twenty, four for every year since I was about seventeen.

"But, Ma, I-" I turned around and saw her eyes glow red. "Fine."

She didn't even bother leaving me to change alone. As I slipped the ruffled bottom over my legs, she went behind and pulled it all the way to my chest. Zipping it up, she sighed, and held a hand to her mouth. "Oh, you're too pretty."

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