Part 26 (Jack's POV)

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Little brother was being such a brat about us showing up, yet he was the one who called us in the first place. I didn't mention the flowers in the bin, nor why he was now being a bloody, little prick about the whole situation, so instead I dug my hands in my pockets and watched him sulk in the chair.

"Not sour, than what, eh?" I asked while Mathew's shadowy eyes hovered across the room, and devoured me. I hate it when he did that, yet being the eldest, I wasn't going to cower down to any of my younger siblings. Leaning in, I whistled. "Oooh, cannot describe the flavor?"

"Stop it, Jack. I've not had tea, and have no patience for this." He warned, then closed his eyes. Honestly, he was such a stick in the forsaken mud, and I wanted some fun.

"What do her lips taste like then? You've kissed her, by now I believe, yes?" My smirk was clearly not what had caused him to tighten his jaw, and clench his fist; it was what I had asked. Quickly he had relaxed, thinking I hadn't noticed his small reaction.

Dear brother, what ails you? Ha, ha, ha!

Mathew picked up the phone, then dialed for what I had guessed to be room service. He ordered a few tea packets, and boiled water. I quickly took the phone, adding that I wanted cake.

My brother sharpened his eyes, took the phone back, then after hanging up said, "go to your room. I need to be alone." He crosses his legs and rests his chin on his propped up knuckles. Classical Mathew, always looking as if he had graded your papers and was unimpressed by your existence. Christ.

I roll my eyes and smile, "oh, but I haven't had my sweets."

"Get out of he-"

The door flew open and smacked the wall, causing both of us to snap our heads in its direction. There, almost as if she had been sent from a doll maker himself, was a small young woman with the rosiest cheeks, and brownest oak eyes. Her hair was ratted and spilled around her shoulder while she breathed out her nose. Oh, she was furious, and the sad thing was, I hadn't a clue why. I think back to the women I've encountered since arriving, and no, no problems came to mind. This one wasn't one of mine, though she struck me as someone familiar. Where have I seen this face before?

Turning to Mathew, I see his bland expression crack a bit at the sight of the girl; his thin line of a mouth had curled a tad at the side. My eyes dart to her. She wasn't happy to see him at all, and right behind her was the baby, Peter, trying to escape her grip. Ah...this is Miss Kett.

"You." She points to Mathew. "I thought we had an agreement; this day of the week was to be a freebie, a rest day from each other."

What in hell was a freebie. It sounds appalling, and continue. I eye my brother's cold eyes. No wonder he had been down on his bum, she was fiesty.

"A day without me, yes. But someone had to take my place." Mathew stated while batting his lashes, irritating her with his sleepy expression. "Every single day, till the end of this month, Miss Kett, you will be with one of us."

She couldn't believe it. Peter managed to free himself, and then rushed inside to stand aside me. We both gave each other an awkward look, then watched the interaction between Mathew, and our lovely subject.

"Why?" She finally asked.

Good start.

"Because you tire me." He replied.

Ohhhh, brother, splendid choice of words, you fucking ass. I mentally slapped my head. Looking to her, I expected her to start crying at how he sees her or something around those lines, but no, Miss Kett scoffs at his remark and crosses her arms.

"You know what, this is even better, yeah, I get to see less of you, Mr. Wallis. You think I can't handle it, but I can. Have a good day, and I hope that icicle that is lodged in your ass melts." She squinted her eyes and marched right back down the hall.

The three of us stayed silent till I finally exhaled with a grin, "Am I the only one attracted to that?"

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