Val's POV

"I-I'm so sorry" Alex said taking a step back from me

"It's okay, it-it's just that I don't feel the same way about you" I said scared/concerned

"I didn't felt anything either, so friends?" he asked

"Friends" I said giving him a hug.

Marie's POV

I was packing up my stuff cause I was done filming my part for today and someone entered in my trailer.

"I don't want to talk to anyone" I said not looking at the person

"It's important" I knew who that was

"Melissa" I almost shouted

"I told you to stay away from Cameron or you're dead, don't you remember?" she said getting closer to me

"I did, but why? I don't want him back" I said hiding something behind my back

"Oh please, I see the way you look at him" she said with an attitude

"I look at him like I look at everyone" I said confused

"Anyways stay away from my man" she said getting out.

I sat on my couch with relief. I got my phone from behind my back and listened to the record. Yes, I recorded her for a proof.

I walked back to my über and went back to the hotel where I found Val.

"You'll never believe this" I said giving her my phone to hear the record

"Oh, no she didn't"

"Oh, yes she did" I said walking to my laptop

"We should look her up to see her past, cause that bitch is a psychopath" Val said getting her laptop out too.

We looked up for her name Melissa Frankel and I found something interesting.

"Come look" I said to Val

"It says that she was accused for the murder of Laura Hunks but was never found guilty" Val read

"But why did she killed her?" she asked

"Oh I found it, it says that her ex boyfriend Marc Gules was cheating on her with Laura Hunks"

"Omg so if I don't do what she tells me, she'll really kill me?" I asked/cry

"But it's not like you can't defend yourself" Val tried to assured me

"You're right, I'm black so obviously I can beat anyone's ass" I said wiping my tears away.

"Let's go tell it to Cameron" Val said getting up

"No, he was so rude to me this morning when I told him that she threatened me"

"But if we don't show him what we have, he'll probably get hurt. Do you want him to get hurt?"

Thanks to my dog (Hayes & Cam fanfic)  {completed}Where stories live. Discover now