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Andrea leaves after our moment. Her mom called saying she had to go and do chores. I told her I would see Wednesday before I leave for Capriton.

I head up to my room to start packing my things.

I pull my drawers out and grab my picture frames that hold all of my memories. I put them in there first. One holds me and my mom. Another holds my whole family, me, my mom and dad. The next is just me and Andrea smiling and playing around.

I make sure to grab the teddy bear my dad gave to me before he died of a brain tumor. I start tearing up, I wipe my eyes before I let any tears fall and I keep packing.

Within an hour I was done. I only packed my best clothing options. Capriton wasn't a private school more like a public school with let's say high expectations. They didn't really have a dress code but even if it happened to be the opposite way around I would still pack my best clothing.

After I finished packing my clothing I needed my other things such as my uniforms for volleyball and band. I as well needed both instruments and all my music related things.

~ 4 hours later ~

I was finally finished with everything.

I went downstairs looking for my mom. "Mom! Mom!" "In the office sweetie!" She yelled back.

I walked into the office and my mom was working on her project she had to do for the hospital she works at, Gulf Coast Regal Medical.

"Mom, I finished packing for Capriton. Do you think I can take the car and go to Andreas?" I asked sweetly so she would let me go. "I guess. But be careful and call me tomorrow since I already know your gonna end up spending the night." She said still looking down at her work. "Okay, bye love you." I kissed her on the cheek and walked out.

I grabbed the keys hanging from the rack. I walked up to my room before I left and grabbed my phone and earphones.

~ Skipping car ride ~

"Andrea! I'm here!" I yelled when I walked in. We kinda have this relationship where we can walk into each other's houses like its our own.

My mom loves Andrea, and Andrea's parents love me so it's all good.

"I'm in my room!" I heard her yell back.

I walked into her room jumping on her bed. "Glad I wasn't on my bed." She said walking out. I ended up laughing, "Yep I landed pretty hard, my sides hurt." I said still laughing. I groaned.

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