Chapter Seven

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"We were just friends, who spoke like lovers.

And that was enough for two teenagers who were afraid to fall for each other."


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Aleanna's POV

Months passed and we're getting closer and closer to graduation. Honestly, I don't want this year to finish yet. I don't want to graduate. High school life is awesome. And it's because Harry's there to make it so.

And here we are, a week before prom.

I was walking to English class, ALONE because I din't kniw where in the world my best friend is.

"Where the fuck is Harry ?" I practically growled in annoyance. "Fuck, I hate going to class all by myself."

I entered the room and lots of people were in their own group, their own clique, and it was pretty loud. What do you expect when theres no teacher around. I walked in awkwardly and went over to my seat. I sat down and placed my bag on my lap and got out my phone and earphones. I wanted to mute the rest of the world and just get drowned by the music.

I played this song called In The Morning by Keaton Henson. I tapped my fingers on my bag that sat on my lap as I take a little stroll inside my own world.

Then a very familiar curly haired boy walked into class with a certain blonde beauty in his arms. So much for having a little me time.

He walked into class with Lucy! He could've told me so that I didn't have to wait in the hall for nothing. I don't know why, but this seems eerily familiar.

I pretended not to see them and just try to relax myself. There's been too much stress and I need some time to just chill.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I knew who it was. I just ignored him and his aaproach to talk to me. I don't want to hear whatever he has to say. Quite ironic how just a few minutes ago I was annoyed at how Harry left me to go to class alone and now that's all I want to be, alone.


Lunch time.

I let him eat with me because I thought he would want this chance to apologize for leaving me because if he took this chance I will really forgive him since I've decided he deserves the chance to be able to explain.

We sat there, just the two of us but, we spoke nothing. I was waiting for him to talk and all he did was type on his phone so fast, just as fast as every bullet shot through my heart with every letter he types. He seemed pretty preoccupied and it bothers me that I knew why. Lucy. But then, he placed his phone on the table and said, "Uh, I just have to go real quick. Will that be okay?" My face was blank and I just gavea nod and looked the other way. "I'll just be gone for 5 minutes." He went to kiss me forehead but I moved my head away. "Uh.."

"Just go. I'm good." I was already making it pretty obvious that I'm mad. I thought he would stay like he always would when he knew I was mad or if he knew that something was off. But, he didn't.

I know it sounds pretty selfish of me to be mad at Harry just for spending time with Lucy but, that wasn't why I was mad. Well, it was part of the reason why but, it was mainly because he didn't even notify me. He could've told me that he wasn't going to be able todrive me to school today, I could have been able to catch the bus. He could've told me he was not going to be able to wak with me to class today, I would understand if he said they'll just meet me there. I was mad because he knew how much I hate having to change plans and feeling like I was being left behind. But, I guess I thought wrong.

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