Chapter 3: Hot Guy Saves The Damsel From Pests

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10th December 2015

Kylie yawned and struggled into a sitting position while breathing in the sweet scent of cinnamon. She blinked and looked around the room. It was plainly furnished with a dressing table, a wardrobe, some shelves and a bedside table. She slid out off the duvet and approached the room window which was facing the east side of the house.

Breathing in the cold and brisk air, Kylie look out the window to find tiny snowflakes falling silently onto the ground. The trees were bare and it's bark was dark in color. She glanced down to find that mounds of snow had covered the damp earth and burried the twigs and fallen branches. She could also see the little amount of sunlight peering through the treeless hills and shivered slightly just when there was a light breeze.

She had plans today and it would probably help her Uncle Herald find his holiday spirit before the big day comes. Hastily, she bathe with hot water, brushed her teeth and changed into a new fit of clothes. She tidied up the room and left for breakfast.

"Good morning," Kylie said, descending the last steps of the stairs and walked into the kitchen which was connected to the dining room. Aunt Tilda whom wore a nice green blouse and knee-length white skirt was brushing egg whites onto her last pastry that morning and slide the tray into the preheated oven.

"Good morning, Kylie," her aunt said, in return. "Carlia and Leslie are getting ready upstairs. In the meantime, could you look after my croissants for me. I'd would like to go check what is taking the two so long to change."

"Sure. Don't be long. I'll be in the kitchen," Kylie replied as her aunt walked away. The kitchen was filled with a pleasant aroma. She grab a mug from the dish rack and poured the hot water from the electric kettle into it. She tilted her head and opened the cupboard, searching for tea bags. She finally found some in an air-tight container and grabbed one out. She placed the container back and stirred her tea with a teaspoon.

She heard someone clearing their throat and turned to the dining room. Her uncle was looking at her from above his newspaper. "When did you arrive? You didn't inform me that you've arrived," her uncle said, in a tone that sounded like he was purposely asking so that he need not greet her. And that angered her but she decided to stay quiet.

She grabbed her tea and moved towards his direction. She sank down into the seat beside him and whilst stirring her tea, she said,"Good morning. I've arrived with my sisters yesterday. How have you been?"

"Great before. Now I feel like I don't want to talk so go away," her uncle said, and lifted the newspaper to block her. She was about to protest when she heard someone screaming. She jumped up from the polished chair whereas her uncle cocked an eyebrow and returned back to reading.

"It's okay. We're fine. Everything is normal!" her aunt's voice echoed through the house.

Kylie sighed and thought about her uncle. He didn't seem to care what is happening. She stuck a tongue out at his newspaper and looked away when he lowered it. She saw some pineapple tart served on a plate and popped one into her mouth. The taste of pineapple was sweet and the sensation of it melting on her tongue was pleasing.

The bell rang and it echoed through the house. So she hurried to the door and opened it. A boy with black curly hair and steel gray eyes smiled at her. He was about her height and was wearing a sky blue sweater and trousers. There was another boy behind him, probably a year or two older. His hair was blonde and it curled slightly at the tip of each strand. He wore a shirt with long sleeves and denim jeans.

She stared at him for a good while, feeling lost. His eyes troubled her. It was as though she had met him before but she can't recall. They were a mixture of green and blue.

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