Chapter 20: Devil's Daughter Had Reincarnated

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14th December 2015

"May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit," the priest said, raising both his hands into the air.

"Amen," everyone in and out of the cathedral uttered.

"Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life," the priest said, ending the mass. The crowd in and outside the cathedral dispersed after replying 'Thanks be to God'. Most of them headed towards the tents to receive food, blessed earlier by the priest; some resumed sitting on the benches; whilst some left the cathedral and headed towards the parking lot.

"Here you go. Be careful and watch your steps," Kylie said, offering some hot buns to a ginger-haired kid. Then, she asked the old lady in front of her,"Ma'am, would you like some hot steamed buns?"

"Yes please," the lady said, shivering slightly. Kylie gave her two and smiled. "God bless you, child."

"Peace," someone said as Kylie bent down to pile the folded boxes. The offering was over by then and the crowd had lessened. She turned her head to glance at the figure behind her. He was grinning at her like a ghost with arms crossed over his chest. "You need help with that, missy?"

"Um, no. I'm sure I can handle these," Kylie said to Jaxson, trying to ignore him. He just raised an eyebrow, a glint of mischief glinting in his eyes. When he didn't budge, she muttered,"Its simple work."

"Simple work?" he scoffed. "If you say so. Girls would usually allow me to do the work but you're different. You sure you don't need my help? I can't be nice long so at least let me help you, okay?"

"Since when were you nice? I don't recall throwing snowballs at a girl nice. Its painful as hell. You failed your mission so go away," she uttered, stacking the boxes in another pile when the first one looked as though it was about to topple.

"Mission? What mission?"

"Stop acting dumb. You're trying to make me fall for your charm by flirting. Look. Why don't you go find someone else?" she said, looking annoyed as she turned to face him.

"Oh, that mission. But who?"

"What about her? She seems your type," Kylie said, pointing towards Callyssa whom was having difficulty descending the hill with her friends as they were wearing heels. At least 6 inches high, no doubt. "She'll trip if you don't go and offer her your assistance."

"Yea, she does seem my type. She's on the hotness overloaded level but I still have all the time in the world to flirt with her. I want to get to know about you. I mean, how are you becoming the centre of attention within days? Every guy, including my brother seem to be chasing you though he denies. Callyssa, she," he uttered, sighing. "She broke my brother's heart multiple times. They only lasted long until she vanished."

"Vanished? Monique said something like that as well. Monique said that Callyssa broke Jason's heart and disappeared for months. They even fought about her dating some CEO guy for fortune. Why? I don't get it."

"Callyssa and her father aren't close but she sticks with him to go traveling. Most of the time, actually. She goes and comes, then goes. She's been doing so since her father was offered a position as an officer at some factory. He somehow took over and expanded the business, constantly traveling overseas. The Veneizuiyla family is rich so traveling was never a problem but her mother and sister stayed in NC."

"Okay, that's stupid," Kylie said, rolling her eyes which only got Jaxson raising an eyebrow. "I mean, if they can afford, why don't the whole family go traveling together?"

"Her elder sister is the top student of my year and insisted on staying till graduation. Rumors also said that Callyssa ran from home and followed her father without him knowing. Then, she approached her father when they arrived Europe cause the money she have was actually used to buy herself -" he said when Monique suddenly cut him off.

"Jax, what are you doing here? You didn't decide to turn into a priest in the future, did you? Cause I would be laughing my head off if you did," Monique joked.

"Seriously? Is this how you treat your cousin?"

"Yep, whether you like it or not, you have to live with the fact that I love your brother, as my cousin. He's family and so are you. So good luck living with me while you are still alive. Anyways, what are you doing here?" Monique said.

"Talking about my brother's love life and Callyssa," he replied, a sad smile plastered on his face. Monique flinched at the sound of the name. "We both think that he deserves better and that every guy that she is or about to date deserves better. No her. I even started doubting that she would ever find her love of life. She should be a nun."

"She'd be a bad nun. She'd go and sleep with everyone in town. Can you even picture a nun with a hungover waking up naked with a guy beside her? It would be very amusing though," Monique said, suddenly gesturing at an approaching truck. "Jax, I think Jason needs help with loading those tents."

"This girl here really enjoy offending me. I mean, look, she's trying to shoo me away," Jaxson teased, crossing his arms and remain rooted on the spot when Monique tried pushing.

"Jax, why are you so fat? I think your ass size had increased three times larger than before. Lose some weight, will ya? Or someone will die being crushed. Just leave and use all those manly fats to load those tents," Monique instructed, emphasizing on 'manly fats'. Kylie fought the urge to burst out laughing and just scoffed.

"Fine then. I'll go. Say bye to 'manly fats', Mo. You will miss them when I start working out," Jaxson said, moving backwards. Just when, Kylie thought he was leaving, he pulled her close by the arm.

His expression was serious and he ducked his head low so that his mouth was leveled with her ear, he whispered," Now that the devil's daughter had reincarnated, she will be eyeing for more prey. If I were you or any other girl, I'd be smart and take the advice I'm about to give you. Keep your man close to you and 100 feet away from her."

"Oka-" Jaxson was dragged away by Monique before she can reply completely and asked who. But the answer instantly popped onto her mind.


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