Chapter 24: Eat More Protein

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15th December 2015

"Syrena, are you sure? Did you even ask for their permission?"

"Kylie, I'll ask them later. I'm sure they will agree besides they're too busy to even celebrate Christmas with their daughter. And they wouldn't mind as long as I'm with someone I know. Its a good escape from Dylan too. He's annoying these days."

"Syrena, what does Dylan wants now? I thought you guys broke up already."

"No idea, but I have no interest in his plans. He's calling me everyday, Ky, and its getting on my nerves. I think he still doesn't get the meaning of 'break up'," her friend explained. "I already told him that I don't want anything to do with his friends or him at all. They're all confusing me with their feelings and I don't find any of them my ideal guy, not even him."

"Whatever you say. Text me back whether your parents agree or not, okay? I need to make some arrangements."

"Chill, Kylie. Don't be too uptight about arrangements and flowers and all. I'm not a celebrity and I'm staying in a hotel. Oh, my mom is awake. I'll ask her now."

"Okay, text me. I've-" she said, being cut off. Her face flew to the right and she touched her reddening cheeks. The impact was hard and cold. "Shoot!"

"Kylie, are you alright?"

"Snowball fight. Bye," Kylie said, ending the call. She fell down into a crouch, crawling towards her sisters. Carlia was hugging Leslie, both of them using the half-built snowman as a shield.

"Kylie, behind you!" Leslie yelled, pushing Carlia's grip off her and running towards her. A snowball flew and narrowly missed Kylie's head when she turned. Jaxson and another boy was hiding behind a tree, a scowl appearing on their face when they missed.

Kylie stood up and made a moderate size snowball, aiming at them. It flew and hit the unknown boy at the chest, also missing it target - Jaxson's face. She didn't care whether the boy was being nice the other day, but he'll regret ambushing her with snowballs.

She heard Leslie shouting and saw that she was running back towards the snowman for cover. Her little sister covered her head, screaming as she ran. Carlia was nowhere to be seen. 

"Austin, throw!" the boy beside Jaxson yelled. She turned a few degrees to her right to find three more figures behind a bush. Austin straightened and threw his snowball at her. She ducked but unfortunately still got hit.

"Kylie, come on," her youngest sister said, running towards the back of the house. Kylie ran after Leslie, catching up. She heard hurrying footsteps and grabbed Leslie's hand, pulling her. They ran towards the garage, turning right into the alley between the garage and the fence. A snowball hit Kylie in the shoulder and they both stopped to find Carlia in the dormer of the garage.

"Sorry, I thought-" Carlia muttered, frowning. A ladder was leaning against the wall and Kylie assumed that Carlia had climbed it to get into the dormer.

"Nevermind," Kylie said. "Shield us while we get help."

She and Leslie climbed on an inclined plane. The two girls then jumped off the wooden object, landing on the ground. Leslie had landed on her feet and then helped Kylie whom had twisted her ankle while landing.

They heard some boys yelling and they continued running. They passed a few broken furniture and hid behind an unfinished dog house, which they have no idea existed. Kylie saw some empty trash cans and dragged them close.

"Get her!" She heard Jaxson yelling. "Bloody hell, that hurts!"

"I thought you knew! Serves you right!" Carlia yelled back, with sass. Metal clattered and Kylie stood up a bit to find someone climbing the ladder. Her sister threw her last aluminium can before disappearing from the window of the dormer. Soon she reappeared with a gallon of black oil in hand. Carlia unscrew the lid and poured the substance.

"Neil, get down from-"

"Idiot!" the boy yelled, struggling to get the sticky substance off his eyes. He wiped his face using his sleeves but lost his grip of the ladder and fell backwards. Kylie laughed and heard Leslie, whom had climbed onto the trash can lid, laughing too.

Their sound attracted the boys and Jaxson commanded two of them to check it out. The boy with Jaxson before and Austin volunteered, moving towards the alley. Kylie quickly carried Leslie down and both of them fell into a crouch.

The boys had walked up the inclined plane and jumped down, the snow crunching beneath their shoes. Just then they all heard Uncle Herald yelling and knew that he was actually in the garage. Austin and the boy panicked and ran pass them, ditching the rest.

"Are you alright, Neil?" a familiar voice said.

When the coast was clear and safe, Leslie and Kylie stood up again. She couldn't figure whose voice it was or where it was coming from. They looked up at the dormer when Carlia cursed. Another boy but this one with dirty blonde hair was halfway up the ladder. His grip was firm and the grin on his face grew wider each moment he neared Carlia.

The girl just crossed her arms and pouted, saying,"I don't think you'll die or get any serious injuries. I think you'll be just fine. Take my advice, please. Just eat more protein, okay?"

The boy scowled in confusion and continued his way up. Carlia grin menacingly and gave the ladder a hefty push.

"Bye bye!" her sister said, waving. The boy yelled some curses and fell along with the ladder like a sinking ship.

"Harris. Dude, you okay?" Neil said, pushing the ladder off his friend. He looked at the boy worriedly, some oil droplets from his hair landing on Harris's coat.

"Seriously, Neil? What's got into your head?" scowled Harris. "How am I even okay?! I bloody fell!" He sat up, glaring at Carlia who was doing her victory dance. Kylie giggled, attracting their attention again. "Who's that?"

"I don't know. Let's go check it out," the familiar voice said. She saw Harris standing up, looking extremely dangerous. She fell down into a crouch and shocked to find that Leslie had vanished. Kylie swore that if she was a sickly person, she would be having a panic-attack already because: one, she twisted her ankle; two, she was alone; her sister could be in danger; three, she was already in danger.

"Ouch! Stop that!" she heard Jaxson yell. Kylie glanced from the side of the dog house. Harris was walking up the wood, with someone hard on his heels. She shivered, afraid of what was going to happen. She hid again when Harris jumped off.

"Kylie," someone whispered, tugging her sleeve.

"Leslie, where did you go?" she whispered. Her sister shushed her and handed her a tennis racquet. Kylie looked at it with suprised and took it when her sister pressed it into her hand.

"Hit them." Kylie nodded, standing up but her head low and waited for the moment. Each time she heard footsteps and the soft crunching of snow, her heart skipped a beat. A figure neared and Kylie can see his shadow on the snow.

One step.

One more.

She knew well that if he take one more step, he'll be standing just beside her. The silence was eerie and snow was beginning to fall heavily. She let out a breath, feeling sorry for whoever it is. It was just a matter of time when he'll take another step and suffer severe pain in his body for days.


Kylie swatted the racquet sideways, hitting the trespasser in the middle hard. He yelled in pain and she hit again, closing her eyes. Leslie was screaming in her ear, urging her to continue beating. She whacked him again and stopped when she heard the familiar voice groaning 'stop'.

She opened her eyes to find the voice coming out from the boy in front of her. He doubled up on the ground and she widened her eyes, suprised at her own strength. The boy had dark brown hair which covered his face when he looked down.

"Bloody cheese. Don't just stand there. It bloody hurts," he said, clutching his stomach. When Kylie did nothing, he tilted his head to scowl but no words came out from his mouth. Kylie instantly dropped the racquet, in a state of shock as well.

"I-I-y-you-wh-wha-" she said, trailing off. Leslie appeared by her side and picked up the racquet. Kylie tried stopping her but it was too late, she had swung it. The racquet swung and hit Sam at the side of his face.


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