Author's Note

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Okay, this is really hard to say...but I might have to discontinue this book. Wait, hold on. Before you throw your phone or ipad on the floor, or smash your computer, hear me out. There is a chance that I will keep this book. It's just that  have absolutely no ideas. No, really. Fairy Tail Texts is the on that goes on forever and ever because people give me ideas with their comments, if they do it intentionally or not. I get most of my story ideas from friends, television, youtube, and even you guys. Just the way you guys talk, the jokes you make, and even just the things you say. I wish it applied here, but there's not much I can do, if you get what I'm saying. I just can't apply my ideas into this book because my ideas do not match the characters from OHSHC well enough. I just need to dig deeper and match some ideas with the personalities of these characters. So, I do hope you did not throw your device in the beginning of this note...otherwise you would not be able to hear me through. Have a nice day, and don't let this bring you down!

Stay awesome! :3

~NinjaGo KJLCZ

Ouran High School Host Club TextsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora