It's A Team Effort >> Barry Allen (The Flash) X Reader

Start from the beginning

And it was then, with a half drunk grapefruit drink in one hand and a plan in the other, Barry decided to finally do something, to save the love of his life from leaving him.

"I'll take all of that to consideration," he nodded, and thrusting the great responsibility of the juice to Superboy, sped his way to Superman to give his notice.

Meanwhile, in the apartment, you stared at the wall.

In your ear, your sister (s/n) had been ranting about your life like she knew who you were actually dating, and for the last what felt for eight hours (actually only fifteen minutes) she had been nagging you to leave him.

"But I love him," you tell her. "So, so much."

She snarled. "Well, for a relationship to work, you need both of you to love each other. What's the use of it being one-sided? Leave Barry, _______. There are plenty of goddamn fish in the goddamn sea. Fish who will care about what you need in life."

Your throat constricted. "(S/n) -,"

She sighed. "I know, that was harsh. But someone had to tell you the truth." There was a pause, "I'm worried for you, _______."

The sound of the door unlocking stirred you back to reality. "I have to go, (s/n). Talk later." Just as you hung up, the form of Barry slid beside you, and before you knew it, was encasing you in a hug.

"I am a giant asshat," he told your chest, constructing your body. "I don't expect you to forgive me for what I've put you through for the last year but give me one chance to make it better."

Silently, you wondered if Barry had been eavesdropping on your very long, very unapologetic phone call with (s/n). Silently, you had forgave him for coming upfront and apologising for it all. But verbally, a much different spiel was spelled aloud.

"You have one chance to make it up to me," you tell him, playing the Bad Cop.

Barry's face was out from your side at once, and beaming at your side. "I arranged with the team to have a week off. I know it isn't long, but we can do it. I will prove to you every day of this week, to prove I love you."

You nodded. "Okay. I'm listening."

Monday brought a morning waking with him by your side, peppering your face with feathery kisses and those affirmations about your beauty you were a sucker for. Later, Barry tugged you to the cinema, letting you pick the flick (something called Deadpool. Barry wasn't too sure about it) and the diner for dinner. It ended with an under the streetlight kiss on the walk home, and falling into his arms asleep again.

Tuesday heralded an empty bed, but the whir of the vacuum cleaner and scent of the waffle maker startling you to wake to a thoroughly deep cleaned apartment. Next came a picnic in the park, where you threw a loaf of bread at the ducks, and then coffee at the place the two of you met.

Wednesday's news showed an uprising of the villainous sorts on the news when the two of you rose, and watching carefully, you noticed how he didn't seem too upset about missing the fight. Barry distracted himself by taking you to the library, and reading your favourite book aloud in a corner the fussy librarian couldn't find you.

Thursday became a whirlwind; Barry insisted hurrying the pair of you to the inner city, to hold hands and eat ice-creams and see artworks older than the city and pigeons more vicious than those who lived on the roof of your building. You kissed everywhere; on the train, in the elevator, the sidewalk, the myriads of foyers you breezed through.

Friday was different. You woke to hear Barry's and a few other voices coming from the next room. Silently, you knew it was his superhero team, and snuck to the crack of the slightly ajar door to witness what was happening.

"...this isn't The Bachelor, who judges how much someone likes another someone based on outings?" A dark haired young man in an equally dark suit frowned. Nightwing.

A girl chimed in. "How many kisses, maybe?" Supergirl.

Barry was sitting on the coffee table, a habit you thought he would have gotten over after a year of not being around enough to do it. His head was in his hands, his shoulders trembling. "I don't know, I - I thought it went well." He confessed. "I was methodical, I did everything I know they liked, and -,"

Another voice rumbled with what could be a chuckle. "Why don't you ask ________? They've been at the door listening all this time." Superman. Superman! In your house!

Barry sat up. "______? Honey?"

The door creaked open as you stepped through. All eyes were on you, and it seemed, all breaths were bated.

"You know, I was only testing you to see how far you'd go," you confess, walking to him like you weren't nervous at all for the fact that there were super humans in your house, acting like they were not super at all, "Barry, I love you too much to leave you. I was so scared you were bored of me, and it was a way to wean me off before breaking it gently."

Barry didn't waste a second to reach up, and kiss you.

Nightwing's face blushed under his mask. "We'll leave you two to it," he stuttered, grabbing Superman and his cousin and marching them out.

"We'll be outside," Supergirl whispered, "Take as long as you need."

And you did.

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