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    After perusing the route she took before back towards the little makeshift base. Skyler found herself dodging and taking detours all because of those stupid things. The late summer breeze was clashing against her face as she ran through side alleys and main streets, occasionally.  

This 'safer route' was taking it's toll, the sun was beginning to set over the horizon. This was the point where you should pick up the pace and head to higher ground.

But she didn't.

Instead she headed straight into the centre of a hoard, she stopped. Skyler was indeed very screwed.

At the turn of her heel she ran, ran into the opposite direction only to find more of them, those things. She was surprised to see that none of them have noticed her. Most of them limped around but some waddled around like penguins. Should Skyler be finding dead things amusing?

Probably shouldn't.

She wondered whether to walk past them or take another route around. The second option seemed the safest but not the easiest. Skyler needed to get back in the shortest of times, the sun was setting and she couldn't be stuck out here for any longer time.

Night time was the time that no-one should be outside, the reason? Simple. At night the Volatiles come out from their hiding spaces.

These are the most advanced zombies in all of Harran. Once a Volatile has seen you, it gives chase, it won't stop chasing you until it really looses sight of you. The things can run for hours and have stamina which is far more advanced than any human's and its is also very intelligent. So if you're waiting it out on a rooftop and a Volatile is chasing you; it will wait. However UV light is the only thing that can hurt these monsters, however it doesn't hurt them enough to kill them. It blinds them temporarily but not forever.

Skyler managed to climb a near by car to see how many creatures were actually lurking about.

"Well, shit." She swore, there was no longer a need to hold back curse words, her parents weren't around anymore as harsh as it sounded she didn't care. She could finally be herself.

She hopped down and crept past a good amount of the limping remains of once alive humans, one might of nearly tried to swing at her but it was unclear whether it was actually trying to or if it was a jerky movement preformed by it.

Skyler managed to stumble past a few more of them before seeing the ladder which led to the little makeshift shelter.

She considered her options:
- make a run for it and pray that these creatures aren't fast
- walk back

She ran. Being the stupid teen she misjudged the distance. It was further away than expected. She looked back briefly and gathered that she had caught the attention of a few of them. By few it is meant about a dozen, which really isn't a few. Skyler tried to run quicker but she was running out of energy, she knew she was unfit but come on she'd only been running for a second or two!

She looked back ahead and saw the ladder edge closer and closer.

Home, well makeshift at least.

When she reached the ladder, she climbed as fast as she possibly could only to be greeted with a scene she'll never forget.

Willow dead.

[Re-Writing] Dying LightWhere stories live. Discover now