~Chapter 19~

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It was mid-April, and at least 3 million people were rebelling against the government of Firestone. But today, I was not one of them. Neither were Charlotte, James, Derek, Lucas, or even Artemis, Charlotte and James' daughter who had been born a few months earlier.

Today I was getting married to Lucas, and I was expecting it to be the best day of my life. I couldn't have been in a better mood today. I didn't have any hatred in my heart for anyone right now- not Carolyn, not the government of Firestone...not even Bill.

The only thing I had in my heart right now was love- well, besides all the blood it pumped, but you get my point.

I looked in the mirror before the wedding began. I couldn't believe the beautiful woman wearing white was me. At least Lucas loved me dearly, whether I was pretty or not.

I was a little nervous, but also really excited. I never thought I would ever get married, especially to someone as amazing as Lucas, but I was happy to turn that dream into a reality.

I made my way to the garden, where everyone else had gathered, including Lucas. I smiled at him, and pretended my father was walking next to me as I made my way to my fiance.

This was it. I was going to spend the rest of my abridged life with the man of my dreams, just like I wanted.

We said our vows, and when our lips met, my fiance became my husband, and I became his wife.

Everyone cheered, and I think I saw Derek and Carolyn crying. I grinned, knowing that I wouldn't have to be alone ever again.


I must admit, the reception was really fun for maybe a few hours...if it hadn't ended in a disaster. Everyone was laughing and having a good time, especially me and my new husband.

Charlotte, James, and Artemis sat down together at a table, smiling and giggling as if the world had no flaws. Charlotte never thought she would live to see her daughter, but tonight, she was happy to say that she was wrong.

"Hey, lovebirds." I smiled when Lucas and I approached them.

"You're one to talk, Anna!" James laughed.

"So what do you think?" I asked.

"Of what?" Charlotte inquired.

"This. Our wedding. What do you think of it?"

"I love it! I can't believe you two can throw a wedding so fantastic during a time like this! I just wish every day could be like today." Charlotte responded.

"Yeah!" I replied. But my smile faded into a frown when the world quickly changed from colorful to black-and-white, and back.

"This is bad..." I thought.

"Anna, what's the matter?" Lucas asked.

"It's nothing...I just...realized that no one has eaten yet!" I lied, trying to stall. I was actually pretty hungry, so it wasn't a bad excuse.

"You're right!" James added. "I bet Artemis is starving."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Lucas and I exchanged looks.


We tried not to let our childish side show as we made our way over to the cake.

"If you do not save me a slice, I swear-" Derek began.

"You'll do what?" I rolled my eyes and smirked.

Derek paused while Lucas tried to contain his laughter. "Okay, I'm not sure what I'll do, but you won't like it. How's that?"

"Okay, Derek." I chuckled.

Just as Lucas and I both reached for the knife, a rumble came from outside that startled us.

"What was that?" Carolyn backed up.

"Oh no, we're too late!" I gasped.

Suddenly, the wall had a huge hole in it, and a group of agents and Troopers stormed into the house. "THERE THEY ARE!" An agent shouted.

The Troopers ran after us, setting the house on fire and shooting a few people as they tried to keep up with us.

A Trooper tried to choke Carolyn, but she kicked him, snatched his gun from him, and hissed, "You just messed with the wrong woman, soldier!"

The Trooper looked extremely startled. Then he smirked, "You're right. I didn't come here for you. I came here for them." The Trooper pointed at Charlotte, James, and Artemis before smacking Carolyn and charging towards them.

An agent was about to grab Artemis, but I jumped in front of her.

"Mess with my best friends' daughter, and you mess with me." I fiercely told the agent, who only laughed and said, "I'm fine with that, little girl."

The agent was ready to shoot me, but Lucas pinned him to the ground. I took this time to take the agent's gun from him.

"IF YOU EVER TRY TO LAY ANOTHER HAND ON MY WIFE AGAIN, I WILL KILL YOU!" He screamed. I shot the agent in the head, helped Lucas get back on his feet, and ran out of the house with Carolyn and Derek.

Carolyn was carrying Artemis, running faster than ever, but also being careful not to drop her into the fire.

"Where are the others, Derek?!" I panicked.

"They teleported back to the Society. We need to do the same. Let's go!" Derek replied.

I took Lucas' hand, closed my eyes, and jumped.


I could've been spinning in circles for hours, but it only took a few seconds to return to the Society.

"Anna! Lucas! Carolyn!" Derek called out.

I ran to him and hugged him. "Haha, we did it, Derek! We're okay!"

Then I saw Carolyn clutching Artemis, and froze. "Wait a minute..."

I looked at Artemis, then at Carolyn, then back at Artemis.

"Where are Charlotte and James?"


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