~Chapter 11~

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I woke up lying on the floor of Julianna and Tyler's bedroom, unaware everyone else became conscious long before me. I sat up and noticed Julianna crying as Tyler began dying.

"Tyler, what happened to you?" Julianna sobbed.

"I...I was possessed by Bill, and...I saw lightning...and it got to me..." Tyler weakly mumbled.

"Tyler honey, you have to stay strong! P-please don't go!" Julianna began crying even harder.

Nathan and Molly stood by Julianna and Tyler, trying to comfort them.

"Julianna, I'm not going to make it...please do me a favor and keep our child safe from him when I'm gone. I love you, Julie." Tyler weakly mumbled.

"I love you too, Ty."

Tyler closed his eyes and fell asleep in Julianna's arms. Only this time, he never woke up. Tears formed in my eyes, and Julianna wouldn't stop crying. Molly hugged Nathan tightly as tears streamed down her face.

Even Tiffany looked very upset by Tyler's death. She stared at the ground, closed her eyes, and continued to mourn with us.

"He was just so young and innocent..." Julianna cried. "And Bill took him away from me. He took him away from all of us."

I ran out of the room and into the bathroom, where I locked the door, buried my head in my arms and cried twice as hard as Julianna.

"This is all my fault," I wailed. "All I ever do is make a mess and cause people to lose their lives. I'm such a failure!"

I left the door locked for hours, even though it only seemed like I was in there for ten minutes. Someone knocked on the door, and I opened it.

"Michaela! We were so worried about you!"

"Thank goodness you're alive!"

"Why didn't you tell us you were in here?"

My friends surrounded me once I stepped out of the bathroom and showered me with their concerns for me. "Guys, it's nice that you care about me, but you really don't have to. After all, this is all my fault." I responded.

"What do you mean, Michaela?" Stella asked.

"I messed up everything. I nearly caused Stephanie to burn, Tyler lost his life, and it's all because I thought I could take on Bill. I should've been more realistic. I can't fight him." I replied as I dried my eyes.

"Michaela, this is not your fault." Stephanie assured me.

"Yeah, if anyone is to take the blame here, it's Bill. He was the one who nearly burned Stephanie, picked on all of us- and killed Tyler. Did you do any of those things? No! You tried to take him on, and I never thought I'd say this, but I'm proud of you, Michaela." Tiffany added.

I smiled a bit, but I was still feeling depressed. "It's just been really hard lately, you know what I mean?" I mumbled.

"For sure. Now what do you say we get back to the Society before it gets too dark?" Devon suggested.

"Sounds good." I replied.


I stood by Tyler's coffin wearing nothing but black. Nathan stood by my side and tried to comfort me as I cried. Suddenly, Nathan vanished from my sight, leaving me all alone in the room with Tyler's body.

"You're making a mistake, Poison Ivy." Bill's voice echoed through my head.

"I know, I know, I'm a failure who only makes mistakes everywhere I go-" I ranted.

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