~Chapter 12~

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Tiffany didn't talk to me or look at me at all the next day. It was better than having her give me dirty looks all the time, but it still hurt to know that we had been okay for maybe a split second in our entire lives- and now we're back to being enemies.

Tiffany was even whispering things about me to Devon. "It's like she's with me 24/7! She can read my thoughts and everything!"

I could tell Devon was trying to listen, but he honestly couldn't care less about Tiffany's issues right now. Even Devon gave me the cold shoulder today, mostly because Tiffany forced him into it.

Stella, Tristan, Phoebe, and Stephanie were so busy that my only friend in the Society I wanted to see was Nathan. Luckily, he made it easy for me to find him.

"Michaela, are you okay?" Nathan asked. Turns out, he was heading off to the lounge and we nearly bumped into each other.

"Not really," I answered. "Tiffany's been giving me the Silent Treatment, and I never thought I would say this, but I miss her."

"Look, Michaela. I don't think Tiffany has a problem with you. She's just really scared. A lot of bad memories have come back to haunt her, and she freaked out because you were able to see one of them." Nathan said.

"Really? Because I'm sure Tiffany's just waiting for me to make one more mistake before I'm hunted down by Bill." I retorted.

"Michaela, I'm not going to let that happen to you." Nathan assured me.

"I want to believe you, Nathan. I really do. But Tiffany and I never-"

"Michaela, do you trust me?"


"I want to know if you trust me. All I'm doing right now is trying to protect you. And I haven't even known you for that long. So the question is, do you trust me?"

I wasn't sure what to say next. Ever since I was dragged into the Society, I didn't trust anyone, not even Stephanie. But how could I tell him?

"I don't know..." I replied. "I haven't been able to trust my closest friend, and I've been really scared lately! I've been scared of losing my dad, just like I lost my mom!"

"Well, how about this: I trust you, and maybe one day, you'll figure out who to trust." Nathan kissed my cheek and headed off to the lounge.

I stood in the hallway by myself for a few minutes, stunned. My jaw dropped lower than I ever predicted it would drop. "What just happened?" I thought.

And now I was beginning to think maybe, if everything he said was true, Nathan liked me.


That night, Tiffany woke me up, and I sneered, "Well, look who finally came crawling back to me!"

"Don't be stupid, Michaela. There's an emergency down at the Society of the Blind Eye. Stella's going to overthrow it and steal a few lost memories!" Tiffany replied.

"Isn't the Society of the Blind Eye a group of brainwashers?" I asked.

"Yeah, and they erased one of Stella's memories a few years after you were born. Stella thinks that if we can get it back, we may be one step closer to defeating Bill. So don't let her down, because let's face it- she's not a total angel yet." Tiffany said.


"Put on your hoodies, and wear these sunglasses." Stella instructed us. We were all downstairs in the lab, putting on our sunglasses and hoodies- my hoodie was emerald green, Stephanie's was jet black, Nathan's was navy blue, Stella's was light pink, Tiffany's was seafoam green, Devon's was blood red, and Tristan & Phoebe's hoodies were as white as snow.

"I also made fake ID's for each and every one of you. I don't care if you like your fake name, or if you hate it. Just roll with it until this mission is complete. Understand?" Stella added, handing all of us our own fake ID's. I nodded, filled with excitement.

I read my fake ID, and found out that my name, at least until this mission was over, was going to be Annelise Birchwood.

"This is gonna be so much fun! I can't wait to start using my fake ID!" Stephanie gushed.

"Okay Stephanie, just remember not to blow your cover. Got it?" Devon ordered.

"Okay, okay, but I'M JUST SO EXCITED!!" Stephanie squealed.

"Alright, I'll go get the car." Nathan said. He began walking to the garage, but Stella stopped him.

"We can't all ride together, or we'll get caught. We need to split up." She explained. "And I think I figured out how to do just that..."


"Are you sure we should be doing this? We could end up giving away the Society's location...not to mention, this is a pretty steep hill." I asked Nathan.

We stood together at the top of a big hill where the Dreamscaper Society was located. Nathan and I were supposed to run down the hill and take the long way to the Society of the Blind Eye. But I wasn't so sure if this was a safe plan.

"I used to do this all the time. Besides, we have fake ID's, so if we get caught by someone, it won't be a big deal. And as you're running down the hill, don't look down unless you know you're about to trip over something. Also, try to run really fast." Nathan told me. We exchanged smiles, and then we sprinted down the large, grassy hill.

I couldn't believe I ever doubted Nathan. I was having the time of my life, running down that hill with him. I didn't want to be anywhere else right now...unless my parents were somehow alive.

"Race you to the bottom!" I exclaimed, running so fast I almost thought I would trip over my own feet. I beat Nathan to the bottom of the hill, so I stopped before heading off to the Blind Eye and caught my breath.

"You, my friend, are really fast! I didn't think I could keep up with you!" Nathan said, breathing hard as he trudged to the bottom of the hill.

"Thanks! I actually don't think I'm that fast, but I appreciate the thought." I laughed.

"Anything for my girlfriend." Nathan replied.

I froze and turned around to face him. "I'm your what?" I asked.

"Well, I wouldn't call it a crush, but you do seem like the girl I would want to be in a couple with. I mean, you're really intelligent, and you also know how to put up a fight with Bill- no one has ever dared to stand up to him like that before. And you're a really kind person, so if Tiffany really does hate you, then I don't know why." Nathan admired.

"Wait, you're serious?" I gasped, blushing.

"Why wouldn't I be serious? I see many great qualities in you, and you may not be able to see them, but I can, and it's not just because I'm a dreamscaper."

He took my hand and said, "So I would like to know now, and I would like an honest answer, if you trust me."

"I...I trust you, Nathan. One hundred percent." I replied happily.

Nathan and I smiled at each other, and the next thing I knew, we were kissing at the bottom of the hill. Then we realized we needed to go to the Society of the Blind Eye, so we ran together until we arrived there.


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