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Before I finish this story, I'd like to give a few extra dedications and shoutouts to some people, and make a few announcements as well.

First of all, I'd like to dedicate this book to these following people:


In addition, I want to give some of those users a special shoutout, so here they are:

CeriseCurse052 and demonsLOVEangels, thanks for being there for me online and in person, and thanks for showing your support for my stories! You two are great friends of mine, and I can't wait to read more of your stories in the future.

ZabbaWriter (aka Zabba_Loves_MLP) thanks for showing your support for this story by leaving really sweet comments and voting for its chapters. Also, thanks for including Michaela in your "Abnormals Q&A" book, because that really did mean a lot to me when I read that chapter. 😄😄😄

EZ-Dayz, thanks for being supportive as I wrote this book, and for leaving some really sweet comments in the chapters. That really meant a lot to me, so thanks for being such an awesome follower/friend/word you want to call it because I can't find another good way to say it...I'm really speechless right now, so I hope you know what I mean by that. 😂😂😂

Duhgaminghamster, thanks for being so supportive not just while I wrote this story, but also while I was writing my previous books! And thanks for being so kind to me as well, even if it's not just in one story.

musicgirl227, thanks for sending me that sweet PM, because it practically made my day when I got it, and it puts a smile on my face every time I go back and read it. So thanks for being so kind to me, and I can't wait to read more of your stories in the future.

And last (but certainly not least,) I'd like to give a huge shoutout to MysteryGirl86. I cannot thank you enough for showing all that support on all of my chapters, for it really meant a ton to me! Also, thanks for including my OCs from this book into your stories! To be honest, you were one of the biggest reasons why I decided to write this book, and I cannot thank you enough for giving me that inspiration! This has probably been one of my favorite stories that I've written, and I don't think it would be nearly as good as it is without you, so thank you so much! 😄😄😄

I'd also like to thank all my awesome followers for...

1. Helping me reach over one thousand views on this book before 2016 began.


2. Sending me your fanart for this story. (It made my day when I saw it for the first time.)

Okay, so now that I'm done with the dedications, I want to talk about the release date of "deCIEVED" for awhile.

"deCIEVED" is the next book in the Dreamscaper Society Trilogy, and I plan to release it in early February of 2016, but if I'm lucky and I have more free time than I expected, maybe I can release it sooner. (If you're reading this and "deCIEVED" is already released, the good news is, I guess you don't have to wait to read it!) 😄

But I do need to tell you what you can expect to see in "deCIEVED," and it doesn't involve any spoilers in case you're worried about that.

Every other chapter of the book will have a different point of view, but the POV will only alternate between Michaela and Lucas.

In addition, there will be some new OCs mentioned, and possibly a new ship...😏😏😏😏😏 (okay, I'm just messing with you, there's totally going to be a new ship.) 😂

Anyways, that's all I have to say, so bye guys! And remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye...or something. 🙃🙃🙃


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