~Chapter 7~

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"Here, the fully-developed dreamscapers will teach you how to use your abilities- and how to control them." Nathan said. He led me to a large dining room where six people were seated at a long, rectangular table. Stephanie was one of those six people.

"Stephanie, you're alive!" I cheered. She ran to me and smiled. "Of course I'm alive, you dummy! Did you think I would die in some stupid zombie attack?" Stephanie giggled. We sat next to each other at the table, but I glanced over to my right, and noticed Nathan was sitting next to me.

"Check it out," A boy with wavy brown hair and hazel eyes smirked. "New dreamscapers! Nathan, who are they?"

"This is Michaela Powers and Stephanie Trigger." Nathan replied, pointing to me and Stephanie.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Devon Brody, also known as the Cool Kid of the Society." Devon sarcastically said.

"You mean you're the Devil Child of the Society, right Devon?" A girls' voice teased.

I turned my head to the left and stared at the girl who just commented. She had white-blonde hair that was styled in a fishtail braid, big jade-green eyes with long eyelashes, and a small nose. She was tall and slender for her age, (I assumed she was seventeen) and she had a flower crown in her hair made of jasmines.

In addition to the flower crown, she wore a magenta, long-sleeved top with lace at the bottom, light designer denim jeans, and light brown, furry boots. She wore some makeup, but not too much- she was pretty either way.

"Shut it, Tiffany, you know that's not true." Devon laughed. So now I knew the girls' name.

Tiffany immediately started glaring at me when she was done laughing with Devon. A chill ran up my spine, and it made me feel insecure.

"Hey, could you hand me that backpack, please?" A girl asked. She had black-brown hair that was pulled in a high ponytail, light gray eyes that were staring directly at me and Nathan, and looked at least twelve years old.

"The backpack's right in front of you," I reminded the girl.

Tiffany rolled her eyes. "She wouldn't have been able to figure that out. Phoebe is blind." She scoffed.

"Oh. I'm sorry, Phoebe." I said. My cheeks turned red, and I was just about to die from embarrassment.

"No problem," Phoebe smiled and said. "You didn't know, so it's no biggie. And I'm not completely blind, because I can see in the Dreamscape."

"She's got a point." The voice of Tristan said. A boy who looked just like Phoebe, but taller and with glasses, began to speak.

"Phoebe used to have perfect vision a year ago. But then, as I was training her, Bill broke my previous pair of glasses, and threw the glass directly towards my eyes. Phoebe jumped in front of me, and the most vibrant memory I have of that moment was her screams." Tristan explained.

"I'd just got stabbed in the eye, what did you expect me to do? Start tap dancing in the Dreamscape? No!" Phoebe snickered.

"Anyways, the doctors said her eyes wouldn't heal, and Phoebe was devastated for weeks. Then we found out she could see in the Dreamscape, so we found a bit of hope." Tristan finished.

Suddenly, a girl stood up and stormed out of the room. She had pure blonde hair that was in a high ponytail, crystal grey eyes, and looked at least eighteen years old. She wore a long-sleeved dress with nearly every color of the rainbow (with pink, no orange or red) with knee-high pink boots. There was a star with one eye in the middle of her dress, and I noticed it when she tried to hide it.

"Who's that?" I asked Nathan.

"That's Stella Rouge. She's the leader of the Dreamscaper Society, and she's a reformed demon, hoping to earn her angel wings." Nathan responded.

"Stella?" I repeated. Stella looked so angelic, so I couldn't believe she wasn't a true angel yet. Now I was beginning to wonder why.


"This will be your room, Michaela. You won't have to share it with anybody, but if you begin having any unusual dreams- any at all -tell Stella and she'll give you these pills. They keep your mind from having any nightmares or dreams. Here, try one." Nathan handed me a pill as he showed me my new room. I swallowed the pill.

"Thanks." I said.

"No problem. Here's your new room, Michaela. Make yourself feel at home." Nathan left me alone in my bedroom.

I couldn't believe how gorgeous this room was. It was even prettier than my room back at my apartment. It had a queen-sized bed with fancy pillows and sheets that were white, crimson, and peach-colored. It also had large white windows with long peach-colored curtains that touched the floor, and a walk-in closet. It even had fancy brown drawers and a really big mirror.

I was amazed by the beauty, protection, and peace of the Dreamscaper Society. And for once in my completely messed up life, I fell asleep happy.

A/N: So there you go, I added quite a few new characters to this book, so I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Also, this book reached 100 views recently! Thank you guys so much for making all these views happen! This book has been really fun to write, and it is probably one of my favorite fanfictions I've written so far!

Thanks again, you guys!



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