~Chapter 8~

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The next morning, I woke up and found a note lying on my nightstand:


Breakfast has been provided for you in the cafe we ate at last night. Meet me in the lab at 9:30- the others will be there, too.


I threw on my clothes and ran to the cafe, where I quickly stuffed a piece of French toast into my mouth. Then I rushed over to the lab, and met Nathan, Stephanie, Tristan, Phoebe, Stella, Devon, and Tiffany there.

"We've been waiting on you for awhile, Powers." Tiffany sneered, saying my last name with hatred in her tone.

"Lucky for you, the wait is over, Gleeful." I confronted her. Someone needed to learn how to tame that brat of a woman. I guess I had to do it myself.

Tiffany froze and scowled. She tightened her fists as if she were about to punch me, but Devon took her hand and said, "Tiffany. Don't do it."

Tiffany reluctantly listened. I could tell we weren't going to be friends at all. Especially when she gave me a look that said, "This isn't over yet, Michaela."

I rolled my eyes and gave her a look that said, "Really? Like I care."

"So why did you call us here, Stella?" Stephanie asked.

"Glad you asked, Stephanie. The Dreamscaper Society not only recruits, trains, and protects dreamscapers, but it also saves people from Bill, whether they are like us or not. Currently, there is a 24-year-old man named Tyler Parsons who thought he could save his wife from being posessed by Bill. Little did he know he was in for a treat." Stella replied.

"Wait a minute...Tyler Parsons...isn't that my older sister's husband?" Nathan asked.

"You mean Julianna? Yes, Tyler is her spouse, and Bill tried to posess her. Tyler ended up making himself a target for Bill. And when Bill has a target, he will ALWAYS hit a bulls-eye." Stella answered.

"That's very intimidating," Stephanie said.

"That's just the way things are around here." Tiffany told Stephanie. "Hopefully, you won't do anything that will make you a target. You don't want to end up poor and practically homeless, am I right?" She winked at Nathan when she said that.

I couldn't take it anymore. I kicked Tiffany's legs, and she fell down while I grabbed her arms, twisting them hard. She punched my stomach, so I let go, and she began attacking me as I did the same to her.

"NEVER talk about Nathan's family like that, do you hear me?! You don't know what it's like, because you're part of one of the richest families in Gravity Falls!" I bellowed.

"Michaela!" Nathan called out as Devon called out Tiffany's name.

Nathan grabbed my arms and pulled me away from Tiffany, but I struggled to break free from him. Devon was too stunned to keep Tiffany from hitting me.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll leave him alone! Got it?" I snapped.

Tiffany ignored me, but she did stop attacking me. She looked at me, then Devon, then back at me. She folded her arms, and I noticed her left arm was bruised, and had a bit of blood on it. We were scarred for life, there was no turning back now...


Nathan got his car from the garage, and when he did, we all came outside and got inside. Tiffany shoved me out of the front passenger seat, so I was stuck in the far back with Stephanie.

"Was that really necessary, Tiffany?" Nathan asked Tiffany.

"Surprisingly enough, it was." Tiffany said as she buckled up.

I glanced over at Tiffany. She'd gotten what she wanted, but she still wasn't satisfied. I couldn't figure out why, though.


"Nate! It's so good to see you again!" A little girl, about thirteen or fourteen years old, said to Nathan once we arrived at Tyler's house. The girl had sandy brown hair that was styled in a bun, dark brown eyes that looked good with her long eyelashes, freckles on her cheeks, and pierced ears. She was short and slim, just like me, but we were exactly the same height.

"I've missed you a lot, Molly!" Nathan said. "You'll have to tell me what you've been up to later!"

Molly beamed and said, "Well I don't know if Juli's told you this, but she and Ty are hav-"

"Wait, your name is Molly?" Stephanie interrupted Molly.

"Actually, my real name is Melissa, but everyone calls me Molly." She explained.

"You know, Nathan? You and Molly look like you could be siblings." Stephanie pointed out.

"That's because they are siblings, genius," Tiffany snapped.

"Your mom's a genius!" Stephanie hissed through gritted teeth.

"So immature," Tiffany mumbled.

Nathan sighed and said, "Molly, this is my friend Stephanie Trigger. She's a new recruit. We've also had Michaela Powers recently join, she's over there by Devon." Nathan pointed at me.

"Hi, Stephanie! Hi, Michaela! My name's Melissa, but call me Mol-"

"Okay, I think they know your name by now, because you've repeated it at least a dozen times. Do you know where Tyler and Julianna are?" Nathan asked.

"You bet I do! Right this way!" Molly said, leading us to a light periwinkle-colored room. A grown man had passed out on the bed, but his wife was awake. She had bleach blonde hair, sky blue eyes, and was tall and slim.

"Finally," She said. "I was wondering when you were going to show up. Good to see you, Nathan."


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