Ch. 30

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I grabbed my dads arm but not in time. His fist hit Draco's face. He grabbed his nose in pain and fell to the ground

"Dad wait"

"He got you pregnant!"

"We didn't think it would happen"

"Why were you even having sex I was specific on you not doing that?"

"Dad we are getting married one day anyways and Draco promised that he would stay and support me"

I went up to Draco who was on the ground with a bloody nose.

"I'm sorry sir we didn't plan this but I'll do anything for Hermione I love her"

"I understand but you better prove that you'll be a good parent"

"I will"

I help Draco up and walked him towards the bathroom. I took one look at his nose and knew it was broken. I touched it and he jumped away in pain

"I think it's broken"


"It might be I'll clean you up and then I'll bandage it"


I began to clean it when my mom came in

"How about I do that and you take care of your dad?"


I walked into the living room to see my dad almost ripping out his hair on the couch

"Hey dad"

"I'm sorry sweetie it's just I was upset about that happening to you I never knew my baby girl would grow up so fast"

Draco's POV

I sat on the counter in the bathroom as Hermione's mom cleans my bloody and broken nose. It's not the first time I've broken it but it still hurts.

"So when did you find out?"

"A few weeks ago Hermione was getting cramps and then she got really sick so I took her to the hospital wing and we found out"


"Thanks I'm just worried about being a father"


I put my head down and looked at my feet

"I'm afraid if being like my father"

"You won't"

Hermione's mom picked up my head and started bandaging my nose.

"But I'm still afraid about it. But what really scared was that Hermione though I was going to be mad and leave her"

"That's a fear every girl has is that at their most vulnerable moment that the one they love wont help them"

"I would never do that"

Hermione's mom smiled

"Do you want a boy or girl?"

"I hoping for a boy but I don't care either way as long as they are healthy. Even now I love them with all my heart and they aren't even here yet"

"Hermione's father felt the same way with her"

We both chuckled and I realized that Hermione's mom was just like mine. We walked into the living room to see Hermione and her dad talking

"Congrats to both of you"

He looked up and looked me in the eyes and emphasized the word 'you'. I smiled an he nodded in acceptance. I then hoped that I could be like Hermione's father.

Hermione's POV

We all sat in the living room talking about my pregnancy but soon I began to fall asleep.

"Want to go upstairs?"

I look up at Draco


He looks at my parents and ten motions to me they nod and kiss me goodnight. Draco picks me up and carries me to my room. He puts me down and then walks across the hall. I changed into sweatpants and a tank top. Soon Draco walked back with sweatpants only.


He snuggled against me and places his hand on my stomach

"Goodnight little guy"

He kissed my stomach and then my forehead. I kissed him and then placed my head down on my pillow. I slowly fell asleep.

Once I was asleep I began to dream about what my baby would look like . I saw a baby boy that looked exactly like Draco. He had the grey eyes and blonde hair. But then it morphed to brown hair and grey eyes. I liked that a bit more.

I hoped that my baby would be accepted by the wizardry world like it was by my friends and family. Once i started to wake up I just stayed with Draco. By now I knew that my mom told my whole family about my pregnancy, some people would be happy others would be upset.

As long as Draco stayed with me he would be accepted into my family easily. I looked down and saw Draco had his hands wrapped lovingly and protectively around my stomach. He had a slight smile on his face as he slept.


Sorry it's a bit short. I will update in the next few days.

Next week though it might be hard to update, I have camp from 8am-5pm and then I have my friends sweet 16 on Friday next week. But I will try my hardest to write whenever it is possible.

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