Ch. 11

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Once Ginny dragged me to her room I got ready and she helped me do my hair. I still had till 7 it was only 6 now so I had a spare hour.


I sat down on her bed

"It's difficult and I know everyone wont like it"

"How? You haven't tired"

"I just know"

"If it involves someone from the war, it's over everyone changed and it's ok"

"Well I know Harry and Ron won't be happy"


"He was on the other side"


"I don't know maybe I'm just paranoid"

I got up and walked around to get my nerves out.

"How longs it been going on?"

"He asked me to the dance and to be his girlfriend last night"

"Aww, so did you kiss?"


"Oh my god how was it?"



I remembered the memory of Draco's lips on mine for the first time it felt like they were on fire. I still remember the look in his eyes when we broke apart. I leaned against a wall and started smiling

"It felt like fire"


"How about this I tell you what he looks like and that's it, I'll tell you if you are right with any guessed, ok?"


"Ok so he has blonde hair and grey eyes"


"He is pale and has the cutest smirk"

Ginny started staring at me


"I'm just shocked you never acted like this with Ron. You're all giggly when you describe him"

"I fell fast. He's perfect and I would never have guessed it. It took a while to get past his thick exterior but once I did I fell for him."

"That's adorable it's almost like me and Harry. It's almost 7 you should go, good luck"


I made my way through the corridors and in time I got to the astronomy tower. At night this place was beautiful. I walked up the stairs an got to the top I saw a table with candles and a vase or roses. I look around and walk up to the table I turn around and see Draco in a suit. A muggle suit! He was holding a single white rose. It was perfect I took it and he kissed my hand while looking into my eyes. He really knew how to charm a girl


I walked up to the table and he pulled it my chair. I sat down and he pushed me in a bit. He lit the candles on the table and then walked away coming back with the food. He had made steak with vegetable and Caesar salad to go after their food. He also had creme brûlée for desert.

"This is perfect Draco thanks you"

"This isn't as perfect as you are"

He sat down across from me. We ate our dinner silently and once I was finish Draco go up an got the salads. He really had thought this through he had gotten all my favorite foods and put them into one dinner date. We talked a bit about the upcoming dance in 2 days. We thought about possible reactions he thought people were going to be shocked I thought they might be angry.

"It could go either way or even both"


When he got creme brûlée I stared at it.

"Are you gonna eat it?"

"It is so perfect though. Thank you so much"

"It's nothing"

I ate the creme brûlée quickly and once we finished everything Draco walked me back to the common room. I was wondering what he had planned there because he made me leave early. I walk into the room to see our fireplace lit.

"Sit in front of the fire and close you eyes"

I did as he told me


I opened my eyes and turned to see Draco with ingredients for s'mores.

"Oh my god s'mores"


He sat down next to me and we spend the rest of our night just watching the fire and eating s'mores.

"This was the best first date ever"


"Yeah you are the best boyfriend"

"Thanks and you are the best girlfriend"

With that we kissed each other good night and went to our separate rooms. I fell asleep in my bed alone for the first time in weeks. I really hoped that everyone would except us but even if they didn't they could never break us apart.


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